• NEWS
  • April 24, 2022
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By Our Reporter

High Court Principal Judge Dr. Flavian Zeija survived an assassination attempt on his life on Saturday at around 7:00pm along the Kampala-Masaka highway when unknown gunmen shot at his convoy.

This is according to the Judiciary Spokesperson Mr. Jamson Karemani who said that the   Principal Judge and his entire team escaped unhurt from the incident.

‘The Judiciary condemns in the strongest terms such barbaric conduct whose intentions are only known to those who engage in such acts of unlawfulness. This was an act of cowardice and we are confident that the perpetrators shall at an appropriate time be brought to book,” Mr. Karemani stated.

The Uganda Police Force has commenced investigations into the incident according to Karemani.

Principal Judge Dr. Flavian Zeija. Courtesy photo

He further implored the members of the public to remain calm as the responsible authorities or institutions undertake their investigative role.

The Judiciary also said that the public shall be updated on any new developments as and when they come in, where necessary.

“The Judiciary remains committed to executing her Constitutional mandate of

adjudication and administering justice to all,” he concluded.

This is not the first incident of attempts on the life of judicial officers. In July 2021, Buganda Road Court Chief Magistrate Ms Gladys Kamasanyu, was attacked by suspected robbers who allegedly made off with her personal effects, including her bag and mobile phone.



She was attacked at Green Hill Academy gate as she went to collect her child’s Primary Leaving Education (PLE) result slip, according to Judiciary Spokesperson Jamson Karemani.

“She was later rushed to IHK and admitted in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) where she is steadily improving. Police have started investigations,” Mr Karemani added.

Police said the robbers trailed her on a boda boda motorcycle before the said attack.

The case was reported to Kabalagala police division.

“The victim was rescued by police officers attached to counter terrorism and guards at Green Hill Academy. The robbers seem to have been trailing her,” reads a police statement issued by Kampala Metropolitan police Public Relations department.

Police said at the time that no arrests had been made but they obtained footage from the two police cameras in the vicinity to help identify the culprits and motorcycles used.

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