Police arrest four members of taxi crime gang that target and murder female passengers in Kajjansi

The Crime Intelligence Unit in Kampala Metropolitan Police in coordination with the Flying Squad Unit
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Man kills wife for denying him sex, hands self to police

Police in the West Nile Region have in custody, a one Agunda James, for the
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Man caught cheating kills lover’s husband

By Our Reporter NINJA – Residents of Mawoita A village Kakira town council in Jinja
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Mayor Kakyebezi’s Impersonator netted for conning

Amos Tayebwa Mbarara Police in Mbarara have arrested a 38 year old man, Nelson Byarugaba
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Three gunmen lynched by angry mob after shooting a woman and running away with sh20m

Police at Katwe Division in Kampala Metropolitan are actively investigating a case of aggravated robbery
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BIZARE: 11 year old boy chopped into pieces as the suspect was ready to cook him before arrest

Amos Tayebwa Ntungamo  Residents of Kyanyanzira village Nyanga parish in Rubare sub-county Ntungamo District were
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Wife to Masindi DHO detained in connection with murder of her Husband

By Evans Najuna MASINDI – Police in the district of Masindi have arrested four suspects
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