Vulnerable communities supported with food relief items & start-up capital

Vulnerable communities supported with food relief items & start-up capital

By Byamukama Libino

Kabale Muslim District Supreme Council on Friday supported vulnerable communities with food items and money as a way of boosting their livelihood during the Ramadhan period.

Speaking to Wallnetnews after the exercise held at Masjid Mosque in Kirigime Ward Southern Division Kabale municipality, the beneficiaries (20 people) who were chosen from the three mosques in the unicipality (Esoo, Rushaki and Kirigime) said that they have sometimes been sleeping on empty stomachs, and were unable to start businesses of their own.

Nyiransabimana Ferederis,  Tumukunde Fadi and Zawadi Nyinambonigaba residents of Rwakaraba, Rushaki and Kirigime respectively all in the municipality said that they were unable to get lunch and supper on a daily basis nor get money to startup businesses of their own.

They thanked the Kabale district Muslim Council leadership for the good initiative, most especially in this period when the country is in economic crisis.

Sheik Abdul Rashid Nshabohurira the secretary for Zakat said that Zakat is the third pillar of Islam and was put there before the fasting period mainly to help the vulnerable people.

He added that it is the first Zakat in the new leadership and that those who contributed for Zakat are from the municipality and so the beneficiaries.

The Kabale Muslim district Khadi, Sheikh Kabu Lule said that those who got money will be revolving the fund in order to help other vulnerable communities in the society

 He further revealed plans of extending the same aid in other districts of Rukiga and Rubanda.

Sheikh Lule said that each person was given 10kgs of maize flour with an extra of token of Shs10,000 and Shs50,000 for those who wanted to start up small scale businesses.

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