Poor performance of C.O.U-aided primary schools attributed to poor infrastructure, insufficient water supply

Poor performance of C.O.U-aided primary schools attributed to poor infrastructure, insufficient water supply

By Byamukama Libino

Kabale – Head teachers from Church of Uganda founded primary schools in Rubanda and Kabale have raised a red flag on the poor performance that they say result from the poor infrastructures and insufficient water supply at the school premises.

Speaking to Wallnetnews, Tibayitana Charity, the Head teacher of Muyebe Primary School under Muyebe Archdeaconry in Buhara sub-county raised a red flag on the state of buildings at the school.

She added that the few buildings at the school have leaking roofs and that the situation worsens whenever it rains.

She added that the school has no library, and the few books they had were also destroyed by termites during the Covid-19 lockdown

Tibayitana also highlighted politics among her staff and lack of incentives like allowances for morning preps for the teachers to have also partly contributed to the poor performance of pupils at the school

She further said that out of the 50 pupils in primary seven who sat for PLE in 2022 examinations, none passed in first grade.

She added that 16 of the candidates got second grade, 19 in the third grade, 9 in 4th grade and 6 failed completely in Division U.

Some of the parents at Muyebe Primary School attribute the poor performance to divisionism, and hatred among the staff and the Head teacher, and want teachers who demand morning prep fees to be transferred with immediate effect.

They further pinned the school Head teacher for embezzling money from parent’s for private set of exams the pupils were supposed to sit for after the Covid-19 lockdown.

Teachers who preferred anonymity confirmed the allegations of swindling money for morning prep to be true.

Arinaitwe Jacenta, the Head teacher of Mungara Primary School in Mungara Parish Muko sub-county, Rubanda district earlier said that out of the 8 pupils who sat for 2022 Primary Leaving Examinations, only one got third grade, and the rest failed totally.

She also reiterated that limited infrastructure at school led to the poor performance in PLE, whereby primary four and five pupils share the same classroom.

She added that worst of all, the staff share the Head master’s office as the staffroom, library, store and clinic for the pupils, and the doors and windows at the Head master’s office are also in a worrying state.

Arinaitwe also said that the school has no staff quarters, and the two houses that they have is also in a very poor state for teachers who come from other districts to stay in, saying that its puts them at  risk of being robbed by thugs.

Mungara Primary School is a government-aided and Church of Uganda founded school which was established in 1970 before it was taken over by government after 10 years of existence. It has an enrollment of 189 pupils with 9 teaching staff .

Bamunyangira Francis; the inspector of schools in Rubanda district said that he will cooperate with teachers, area MPs, and residents to construct a block up to the beam level, and to get support of the roofing from the district leadership.

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