MP Kabasharira reassures constituents of service delivery despite financial constraints in government 

MP Kabasharira reassures constituents of service delivery despite financial constraints in government 

By Amos Kakungulu
Ntungamo – It is believed that there is financial constraints in the central government that have affected service delivery in the local governments.
However, Rushenyi county Member of Parliament in Ntungamo district, Naome Kabasharira has assured her constituents that despite the financial  constraints faced by government, key major areas need service delivery which she pledged to tackle by hook or crook in this financial year.
Through her Easter message to the people of Rushenyi, Kabasharira revealed that there are challenges faced by the people of Rushenyi like poor road network that was destroyed by heavy rains.
She said that the issue of bad roads is one of her priorities in the current financial year and the next one starting in July.
According to Kabasharira, a number of roads are already in the work plan like Rubare, Kyempene to Kisizi main road, whereby the process of working on it has already commenced.
Other roads like Rwahi, through Lake Kanyehundat-Rwashamaire will soon be worked on by UNRA.
Kabasharira has also said that about  Shs400m has been granted from the Ministry of Finance meant to work on roads through Rwamanyonyi, Kijubwe to Kabasheshe.
She added that challenges in the education sector are also being sorted, and about Shs300m has been allocated to support Rwamakukuru school. She also added that Shs200m will be given to Rwentobo Rwahi Town Council for construction because the town council is new and it has been lacking proper infrastructures.
MP Kabasharira also lobbied for rural electrification in her constituency under the rural electrification program, and in July areas of Murambi, Eibare,  Ngomba and Omukasha will be connected to the national power grid, adding that she will ensure that Rushenyi gets electricity before her term ends.
“I want to say that Jesus has resurrected in the people of Rushenyi, and I want to plead with you that let’s have hope of service delivery. Let us have hope through Jesus Christ in the next financial year that a number of challenges that we are facing now as far as service delivery is concerned will be sorted.
We have got a list of programs and projects that are coming to Rushenyi through my lobbying skills, among those include roads that are going to be taken up by UNRA and some money that is being allocated to our local roads like the Shs400m from the Ministry of Finance that is going to work on some roads like the one from Rwamanyonyi to Kijubwe, then to Kabasheshe.
And other roads that are within this same program, we have a very wide program on sorting the challenge of electricity in some areas of Rushenyi county especially in areas of Murambi, Eibare, Ngomba and Omukasha,” Kabasharira said.
Kabasharira also urged the public and government to add more effort and voice in fighting corruption which has affected service delivery in the country.
“I must tell you that president Museveni has played a big part in serving Ugandans but the people surrounding him are the problem. They are the ones who are corrupt. Let our Lord Jesus Christ resurrect in us, and pray hard that corruption ends,” she concluded.

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