List: North Kigezi Bishop Rt. Rev.Onesimus Asiimwe reshuffles Reverends & Archdeacons

List: North Kigezi Bishop Rt. Rev.Onesimus Asiimwe reshuffles Reverends & Archdeacons

By Evans Najuna

RUKUNGIRI –The Bishop of North Kigezi Diocese, Rt. Rev. Bishop Onesimus Asiimwe has reshuffled several Reverends and Archdeacons in the Diocese and replaced the now former Diocesan secretary Rev. Enock Karamuzi as now the archdeacon of Nyabitate archdeaconry with the former Diocesan dean Rev. Can. Eric Baingana now the new Diocesan secretary.

According to the statement seen by this publication, the 59th Council Meeting of staff transfers and posting 2024 and the the North Kigezi 59th Council meeting sitting at Emmanuel Cathedral Kinyasano, chaired by the Bishop of North Kigezi Diocese; Rt. Rev. Onesimus Asiimwe. Among other things, there were staff transfers and postings, 2024;

  1. Rev. David Owokwesiga from BBUC to Curate-Bugangari Parish
  2. Deacon Mugire Bonan from Curate Bugangari Parish to Masya Parish
  3. 3.Rev. Chris Manigaruhanga from BBUC to Nyabitete SS
  1. Rev. Taremwa Emmanuel from BBUC to Rwabukoba SS
  2. Rev. Orishaba Allen from UCU to Bishop Ruhindi SS
  3. Rev. Boaz Murekyezi from All Saints Nyakariro Parish to Nyakaina Parish
  4. Rev. Ednah Arinaitwe from Curate Kasoroza Parish to Chaplain NKD HC/IV(Rugarama)
  5. Rev. Julius Nuwagaba from Rwenyangi Parish to Besania Prayer Mountain
  6. Rev. Hannington Taremwa from Chaplain Makobore H/S to Rwenyangi Parish
  7. Rev. Benson Amanya from Rukungiri Technical Institute to Chaplain Makobore H/S
  8. Rev. Apophia NshabaRuhanga from NKD H/C IV (Rugarama) to Rukungiri Technical Institute
  9. Rev. Rodgers Ntoreine from Kiyaga Parish to Mabanga Parish
  10. Rev. Gershom Muhumuza from  Mabanga Parish to Kitazigurukwa Parish
  11. Rev. Francis Tugumenawe from Masya Parish to Karukaata Parish
  12. Rev. Justus Otafiire from Karukaata Parish to Nyarurambi Parish
  13. 16. Rev. Mutabazi James from BSU Mbarara to Nanga Parish
  1. Rev. Joseph Tugume from Nanga Parish to Rusheeshe Parish
  2. Rev. Johnson Byekwatso from Rusheeshe to Burembo Parish
  3. Rev. Richard Katabazi from Burembo Parish to Bucence Parish
  4. Rev. Christopher Bakesiga from Rwenshama Parish to Early Retirement
  5. Rev. Alfred Katsigazi from Nyakagyeme Parish to Rwenshama Parish
  6. Rev. Bosco Banganzya from Katonya Parish to Kirimbe Parish
  7. Rev. Eliasaph Kamugisha from Kirimbe Parish to Katonya Parish
  8. Rev. James Twebaze from Kibaale Parish to Mutatuurwa Parish
  9. Rev. Enock Kamanyi from Mutatuurwa Parish to Kakomero Parish
  10. Rev. Patrick Tumwesigye from Kakomero Parish to Kibaale Parish
  11. Rev. Muntulive Nshaba Ruhanga from Nyarurambi Parish to CNBC Kyamakanda
  12. Rev. Lamech Muramuzi from Besania Prayer Mountain to All Saints Nyakariro
  13. Rev. Agnes Ainembabazi from Bishop Ruhindi SS to Kiyaga Parish
  14. Rev. Tugatungire Collin from Bishop’s Office(Diocesan Treasurer) to Chaplain Kisiizi Hospital
  15. Rev. Ivan Matongo from CNBC Kyamakanda to Kabingo Parish
  16. Rev. Evas Arinaitwe from Curate Nyabiteete to Ass. Chaplain Kisiizi Hosp.
  17. Rev. Arthur Omara stays at Kyabugashe Parish and Chaplain Kyabugashe SS
  18. Rev. Ronald Natuhwera from Estates and Development office to Fathers’ Union Coordinator
  19. Mugabe Alex Nathan from Procurement Office to Estates and Development
  20. Rev. Caleb Karabamu from Rwabukoba Parish to Nyakagyeme Parish
  21. Rev. Kamuniini Johnson from Kabingo Parish to Rwabukoba Parish
  22. Rev. Medius Twinomujuni from Kyabagyerwa Parish to Bugarama Parish
  23. Rev. Bernard Mwesigwa from Bugarama Parish to Kyabagyerwa Parish
  24. Rev. Benson Akankwatsa from Kitazigurukwa Parish to Katurika/Buhunga Archdeaconry
  25. Ven. James Tumusiime from Buhunga Archdaconry to Bwanga Archdeaconry
  26. Rev. Baguma Dickens from Nyakaina Parish to Nyakisoroza Archdeaconry
  27. Ven. Kakanyisa Dickson from Bwanga Parish/Arch to Rujumbura Arch
  28. Ven. Capt. Atusinguza Jallon from Nyabiteete Parish/Arch to Rubiriizi Arch
  29. Ven. Enock Karamuzi from Bishop’s Office(DS) to Nyabiteete Archdeaconry
  30. Ven. Amatisko Nuwegariho from All Saints/Rujumbura Arch to Emmanuel Cathedral Kinyasano(Dean)
  31. Rev. Can. Eric Baingana from Emmanuel Cathedral to Bishop’s Office(DS).

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