We Are Restricted on Govt Programs: Mbarara City Councilors Lament

We Are Restricted on Govt Programs: Mbarara City Councilors Lament

By Our Reporter
Councilors from Mbarara City Council have lamented before their Woman  Member of Parliament Rita Bwahika whom they tasked to present their concern on floor of Parliament as they blame the Government of Uganda that they have been neglected several times as non beneficiaries on Government programs.
Mohammad Byansi, City Councilor Representing Kakoba Division raised this issue on floor of Council when he said that this Government has not valued the importance of Councilors and the services they give to the people they represent. Byansi said that there has been many government programs and projects which a councilor would also get involved and benefit like any other beneficiaries but unfortunately councilors have been more restricted not to take part into such programs.
Byansi tasked MP Bwahika to take this issue and present it on floor of Parliament so that it can be resolved by the Parliament and Councilors who don’t even have salaries can also be considered and benefit from government programs or projects.
Hon. Rita Bwahika speaking during Council meeting
“Madam MP, the time I have been in leadership as a councilor, any project that comes from the central government, as councilors we  are restricted not to benefit from them. Recently Government released Emyoga money, Covid 19 relief money ( Nabanja money) and we did not benefit on that money. Now there is Parish Development Model and still we are not considered as Councilors. Hon. MP we are very aggressive that we took part in construction of central market and some of us even had our kiosk before but its unfortunate that Minister Raphael Magyezi came here and chased us that we should not also have allocation from this market for the  reason that we are councilors. Am wondering, is it a crime to be a councilor. Government does not pay us salaries, they just pay us small allowances which cannot even sustain my family, how do you want us to survive yet we are working for you and the people? We also have to benefit from every government projects and programs that are being brought in our City because we are also poor like others” said Byansi
Responding to this issue, Hon. Bwihaka attended the same council meeting and she said that on the issue of excluding Councilors from benefiting on some government programs is a serious development issue that probably needs to be addressed. She pledged that she’s going to walk to the speaker of parliament’s office and report to her such a critical issue who will also extend it to the Prime minister. “But I can understand why they do that, its because of transparency and corruption, they usually think that when they put you  aside you are going to be fair but of which I think it’s  not the case. This is a very important question that the government we all serve we should be able to benefit at different levels”, said Hon. Bwahika.
Bwahika also implore  the councilors and other leaders of Mbarara City Council to ensure that there is accountability for every activity that is done in this city using government or tax payers money. That they must ensure road funds do what they are supposed to do, not by swindling this money which results into poor service delivery.

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