Rubanda district leadership denies receiving iron sheets from Minister Musasizi

Rubanda district leadership denies receiving iron sheets from Minister Musasizi

By Innocent Ruhangariyo
Rubanda – As the drama surrounding the Karamoja iron sheets scandal continues to unfold, iron sheets that were allegedly received by the State Minister for Finance in charge of General Duties, Henry Ariganyira Musasizi are allegedly yet to be distributed to the beneficiaries or returned to the Office of Prime minister as per President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni’s directive.

Details from the Office of the Prime Minister indicate that during the financial year 2021/2022, the department of Karamoja Affairs obtained a supplementary budget to support the Peace and Disarmament exercise in the sub-region and part of the budget was spent to procure iron sheets.

In February 2023, Musasizi who is also the Rubanda East Member of Parliament confirmed that he received 200 iron sheets and handed them over to the Kakore-Rugambwa Catholic Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Herbert Agaba.

Fr. Agaba was supposed to be the custodian of the iron sheets and help in the distribution to the interested beneficiaries.

Fr. Agaba confirmed receipt of the 200 iron sheets from Musasizi, and further said that the iron sheets were distributed to St. John’s Ikumba Primary School, Rwamugura Catholic Church, and Bugiri Annex Church School after identifying them to be in need of the iron sheets, but the administrators of these schools refuted receipt of the iron sheets.

The Rubanda District Inspector of Schools Gerald Akambasa said that he has no report on any learning institution receiving any iron sheets labeled the Office of the Prime Minister.

He added that after receiving claims that some schools received iron sheets, he took an initiative to find out which schools received, but in vain.

The Rubanda Resident District Commissioner Lillian Ruteraho during an interview with Wallnetnews said that her office has no information about any institution, or individual that has received free iron sheets labeled the Office of the Prime Minister.

Without disclosing much, Rubanda district internal security officer (DISO) Michael Mwijukye confirmed that the iron sheets are still within the district, but he never revealed where they are currently stored.

However, Fr. Agaba who earlier accepted to have received the iron sheets changed his position, and declined to comment on the iron sheets claiming that he didn’t want to betray Minister Musasizii who delivered the iron sheets, and referred us to the Musasizi who also declined to comment.

Over 10 cabinet ministers have been implicated in the iron sheets scandal, but so far only the Karamoja Affairs Minister Mary Goretti Kitutu, and State Minister for Finance, Planning and Economic Development have been charged in the Anti-Corruption Court in Kololo, Kampala.

However, Minister Kitutu managed to secure bail last Friday together with her co-accused brother Michael Naboya Kittutu.

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