Exclusive! Museveni Issues  Quick Directive On Owino Land Title

Exclusive! Museveni Issues Quick Directive On Owino Land Title

By Evans Najuna

Kampala – The President of Republic of Uganda, His Excellency Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, has directed the Minister of Lands, Housing and Urban Development to quickly rescue St. Balikuddembe (Owino) Land title.

In a letter seen by this publication, issued on 4th July 2022, to the Minister of Lands Housing and Urban Development copied to; H.E. the Vice President, Attorney General, Minister of Local Government,bRt. Hon. Prime Minister Minister of Kampala Capital Authority, Kampala Capital City Authority Executive Director and Chairman, Kampala District Land Board, the President was replying the Chairperson of Kampala District Land Board David Balondemu.

Traders at St. Balikuddembe market in downtown Kampala. Courtesy photo

The President says he received a letter from Dr. David Balondemu, Chairman Kampala District Land Board, regarding St. Balikuddembe (Owino) market which had been given to the traders operating there in 2014, which was a wrong policy. “Markets are Nursery Schools for our low income business beginners. They should operate there cheaply and when they are richer move out to more expensive operational bases,” the President wrote in the letter. He questioned what will happen to the land if it is privatized  to the present traders, what happens to future generations? “Fortunately, they failed to use the 10years probation to develop the market as provided for by the covenants” the letter reads in part.

 Dr. David Balondemu, Chairman Kampala District Land Board.Courtesy photo 

According to the letter, the Land Board, having also heard of the President’s policy position, cancelled the title to the traders (vendors). However, somebody going by the title of Commissioner, Land Registration,  refused to hand back the title.

President Museveni in the letter  directed the Minister to quickly rescue Owino market land title and revert the progress to him. “I hereby direct that you rescue this title immediately and inform me. I thank and commend those that brought all this information to my attention” he directed.
The new directive comes in at time when traders of St. Balikuddembe (Owino) market last week requested the government to intervene into the exorbitant high rent fees being charged by the stalls and lockup owners in the market.

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