Arch. Kazimba Applauds Rukiga Woman MP for a Warm Reception.

Arch. Kazimba Applauds Rukiga Woman MP for a Warm Reception.

By Libino Byamukama

KABALE – AS Christians warm up for the consecration ceremony of the New Bishop elect, Rev. Gaddie Akanjuna, the Archbishop of the Church of Uganda, His Grace Samuel Stephen Kaziimba Mugalu has applauded the Rukiga District woman Mp Hon. Kamusiime Caroline Muhwezi for the warm reception in the district.

The Arch. Of church of UGANDA STEVEN KAZIMBA MUGALU being welcomed to Kabale by the woman mp

Through his twitter handle, Kazimba who is the Archbishop of Uganda and Bishop of Kampala Informed his followers and Christians at large that, he arrived safely ahead of Sunday’s 29th May Consecration ceremony and enthronement of Ven. canon Gaddie Akanjuna as the 6th Bishop of the kigezi diocese.

Kaziimba further thanked Bishop Bagamuhunda and Mama Chris Bagamuhunda together with the Rukiga District Woman Mp Hon. Kamusiime Caroline Muhwezi for the warm welcome.

His Grace. The Rt. Rev. Dr. Steven kazimba Mugalu being welcome to the Diocese of Kigezi

Rukiga District woman Mp Hon. Kamusiime Caroline Muhwezi  immediately went to her social media and said, “Today I am honoured and privileged to welcome the Archbishop at Kabale District for tomorrow’s Consecration of the New Kigezi Bishop Elect” Kamusiime wrote. She added that on behalf of people of Rukiga to which she represents in Parliament and on her own behalf, she congratulates the incoming Bishop and the people of Kigezi Diocese for a wonderful milestone.

The legislator extended her applause to the outgoing Bishop RT.Rev. George Bagamuhunda for the tremendous developments in the Diocese and for setting the bar so high that the successor shall build on to and keep outstanding work and Development. She wished his successor Bishop Gaddie Akanjuna a good luck.

Ren. Canon Gaddie Akanjuna will be enthroned as the sixth Bishop of the Kigezi diocese and the function will be held at Kigezi High school Primary playground in Kabale municipality where a large number of people both from abroad and from the neighbouring Districts is expected to attend.

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