
Twitter announces sweeping changes in blue tick mark use, eligibility

By Agencies Twitter boss Elon Musk has announced a shake-up of the social media platform’s
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Older persons want special medical attention in health facilities

By Amos Kakungulu Mbarara – Through their umbrella association of Uganda Older Persons Association, older
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NSSF gives employers 30-day ultimatum to remit workers’ contributions

By Wod Omoro Kampala – At 50,000 employers have failed to remit their workers’ contributions
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Bizarre! Wife chops off husband’s genitals during domestic brawl

By Evans Najuna Kampala – The territorial police in Kampala metropolitan police south and Katwe
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Youth tipped on value of time management & investment choices

By Wod Omoro Mukono – Innocent Kawooya has advised the youth to devote their time
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