Bishop Barham University announced overall winner of Kigezi District’s Guild Leaders Association KADGLA competition

Bishop Barham University announced overall winner of Kigezi District’s Guild Leaders Association KADGLA competition

Nathan Bahangwa

Bishop Barham University has been announced as the overall winner of Kigezi District’s Guild Leaders Association KADGLA competition held at kigezi playground lower in Northern division Kabale.

Speaking as the guest of honor at the close of the competition today, the Kabale district RDC Mr. Godfrey Nyakahuma has thanked all the institutions that have come together to form KADGLA association saying that this association will not only bring them together in sports but also in solving one’s problem saying that they are now one family.

He has also congratulated all the teams that participated in this year’s tournament especially the one that has won and called upon other institutions to prepare enough for the next year’s tournament so that they become the best.

The president KADGLA Mr. Adyatuha David Bukenya has stressed that as the organizers they face a challenge of limited money saying that same institutions don’t pay in time the subscription fees and has called upon all institutions that will wish to participate in next year’s tournament to pay in time for proper planning.

He added that they are mobilizing funds to expand the association to other institutions in the Kigezi region.

The institutions that participated in this year’s KADGLA include African College of Commerce and Technology ACCT, Bishop Barham university College, Shalom, Kabale university and Kabale Technical institute.

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