Stanbic bank boosts Mbale open table tennis championship with Ugx2m kitty

Stanbic bank boosts Mbale open table tennis championship with Ugx2m kitty

By Emmanuel Sekago

The Mbale open table tennis championship 15th edition will get underway on Thursday this week after a launch was held on Monday 30th January 2023 at Namakweke social center.

Stanbic Bank will sponsor this year’s event with a Ugx2m prize money stake.

Different table tennis clubs across East Africa are expected to participate in this years two-day championship from 2nd to 4th February 2023.

According to the organizer Jude Mutete who also doubles as coach Mbale Tigers table tennis club, at least 80 players from over 12 teams are expected the grace this year’s championship.

The players will represent different clubs amongst them: Mbogo school, Emurot from lugogo, St Joseph Boys Kitale, and Kenyatta from Kenya etc.
Mutate added that the championship will be competed in various categories of open age, under 18 and under-12.

Talking about the event, James Silver Damulira the Stanbic Bank regional manager eastern region said: “Stanbic bank is proud of partnering with several intuitions majorly in education, sports and health sectors. We are here today because we have decided to sponsor the Mbale open because we know sports and education move hand in hand with this long holiday coming to an end we wanted to thank the parents who have managed to invest in their children in a special way other than living them to be taken away with various immoral behaviors.”

Mbale open table tennis championship is an annual event organized by the management of Mbale table tennis club since 2003 attracting major clubs across east Africa.

The last edition was won by Simon “Uganda’s number two” Juma Wamugoya.

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