Women Councils Elections Hangs in Balance

Women Councils Elections Hangs in Balance

By Our Reporter


The Uganda Independent Electoral Commission has suspended women Councile Elections. In a Press release today Friday 24th June, the EC says that all the remaining activities under the approved programme for conduct of the Women Councils and Committee Elections, starting with the nominations of candidates, which were earlier scheduled for Monday 27th June – 1st July 2022, have been suspended.

Some of the village Polling Stations where elections are expected to be conducted

It further states that, “The Commission will issue a new programme for the above electoral activities when the required additional funds are availed,” stated in a statement.

According to Electoral Commission, the Ministry of Finance has informed the Commission that the funds required for conducting the subsequent activities under the electoral Roadmap are not yet available.

It could however be noted that, On 18th February 2022, the Electoral Commission issued a Roadmap detailing the various activities to be conducted under the programme for elections of Women Councils and Committees from the Village to the National Level.

To-date the Electoral Commission has finalised the compilation of the Village Women Residents’ Register and is currently conducting the Display of the said Registers at each Village/Cell across the country in preparation for subsequent activities, namely, nomination of candidates and polling at the Village level.

The Commission therefore, appealed to Political Parties and Organisations, aspiring candidates and their supporters, and all other stakeholders in these elections, to remain calm as the matter of the additional funding requirements is being handled by the relevant organs of Government.

Surprisingly, the suspension of the program comes out only three days to the main activities which was slated for Monday next week after a couple of five months when the road map was released (18th February). Leaving the stakeholders with many questions.

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