Way of the Cross: Bishop Kaziimba stings ministers implicated in Karamoja iron sheets scandal in Easter message

Way of the Cross: Bishop Kaziimba stings ministers implicated in Karamoja iron sheets scandal in Easter message

By Wod Omoro

Kampala – The Archbishop of the Church of Uganda Dr. Steven Kaziimba Mugalu has again in a cryptic message stung all those involved in the Karamoja iron sheets sage for seeking to enrich themselves on the expense of poor and vulnerable Ugandans.

The head of the Anglican Church in Uganda said greed will not take them anywhere, be it in life or death.

“Just like Judah Iscariot who got paid for betraying Jesus and took money, you might take a lot of money and property but they can’t give you life. God is calling us to stop greed.  Let us have the interest of others as well because they are God’s people. Ecclesiastes 5:10 says whoever loves money never has enough. Whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with their income. These too (wealth and money)  are meaningless,” Dr. Kaziimba said.

“The sleep of the labourer is sweet whether he eats little or much but as for the rich, their abundancy permits them no sleep. There are rich people who are not sleeping yet the poor are sleeping well. “

He made the remarks on Good Friday as Christians observed the way of the cross.

Several government officials including the Minister for Karamoja, Mary Goretti Kitutu, Vice President, Prime Minister, Finance Ministers Matia Kasaija, Amos Lugoloobi, Speaker Anita Among, Karamoja State Minister, Agnes Nandutu among others have been implicated in benefitting from the diverted Karamoja iron sheets.

These shared amongst themselves over 10,000 pieces of iron sheets that were meant for the vulnerable in Karamoja sub-region.

Speaking on Friday, the Archbishop of the Church of Uganda said those who steal from the poor don’t do anything useful from the look, apart from looking at it.

“This is meaningless. As good increase, so do those who consume them and what is it to owners except to feast their eyes on them!”

He however, reiterated the need to have those implicated in the saga return what they took that didn’t belong to them.

Speaking amidst cheers from the congregation, Kaziimba said these should not just return what they stole but rather pay thrice times they took, just like Zacchaeus a corrupt tax officer did in the Bible.

“We need money but if we over need it, we will fall into temptation and it is the reason we have greedy politicians. Zacchaeus came back to the Lord and said, whatever I stole, I pay back four times. I think God is calling Ugandans who have taken anything to bring it back and do it three or four times just like Zacchaeus. Those who stole iron sheets should use this Good Friday to pay back,” he said.

“Many of the people who sleep in those big houses uses iron sheets stolen from us. How do you sleep in a house and the iron sheets are saying you stole us? Bring them back. Return whatever you returned what you stole.”

The Archbishop of the Kampala Archdiocese, Paul Ssemogerere said the country and world at large live in times where people have veered off the teachings of the Bible.

“As we gather together on this day, let us reflect on our actions and yearn to do good and seek justice. We need God’s grace in whatever we do,”Ssemogerere said.

Iron sheets saga

On Thursday, Karamoja Affairs Minister, Mary Goretti Kitutu was charged with stealing of 14500 iron sheets meant for the poor in Karamoja.

She was charged with her brother, Michael Kitutu Naboya who is accused of receiving the iron sheets from the minister yet they were proceeds of crime.

They were remanded to Luzira until 12th April, when they will appear in Court for hearing of their case.

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