NEW TWIST! Museveni rushes to Amuru, Orders Balalo to leave Greater North within 3 weeks

NEW TWIST! Museveni rushes to Amuru, Orders Balalo to leave Greater North within 3 weeks

By Evans Najuna

AMURU – For a couple of weeks, the issue of Balalo (Nomadic pastoralists) in Acholi sub-region, has caused a debate over the main stream and social media spreading like wildfire causing unease to both the Community in northern Uganda and bigwigs in Government.

However, in a bid to harmonize and calm down the situation, President Museveni who doubles as the commander of all armed forces spent his entire Friday afternoon in Amuru district with leaders from the Acholi sub-region discussing these issue of the nomadic pastoralists(Balalo).

President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni Meeting different leaders of Acholi sub region

According to the President, after listening to the various issues raised, he isued a number of guidelines and among these are; On the issue of Balalo animals destructing people’s crops, the president directed the UPDF Division Commander, RPC and the Minister for Northern Uganda to ensure that anybody with cows in an unfenced area in the Acholi, Lango and West Nile sub-regions to leave immediately but in any case not later than 3 weeks from the yesterday Friday of 3rd November.

Whereas concerning land ownership, Mr. Museveni said he will hold further discussions at a later date with the two groups (those aligned to the Executive order No.3 & those who are not ) on the issue of ownership and renting in the region. The president advised persons engaging in cultural clashes and practices that are not compatible with the traditional norms of the Acholi community and that they should desist with immediate effect.

President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni chatting with the crowds at the meeting

The President’s new guidelines did not spare people occupying government land. On this, the president said that anybody occupying government land (Aswa ranch, Lakang, land acquired for the Madvhani group, etc.) must leave with immediate effect but in any case not later than 3 weeks from the Friday of 3rd November and for Dairy farming President Museveni informed explained that his government shall support the development of the dairy industry in the Acholi sub-region.

It can be recalled that mid last month, the President while in a consultative meeting with both the leaders of Acholi sub-region and the Balaalo group at Statehouse, Entebbe, he extended the deadline of the implementation of Executive Order No. 3 from 20th October, 2023, to 15th November, 2023. He further promised that within that period, he was to visit the Acholi sub-region and meet both sides together to agree on a way forward.

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