Kamwezi (Rukiga District) To Get a 5km Tarmac Road Worth 4Billions

Kamwezi (Rukiga District) To Get a 5km Tarmac Road Worth 4Billions

By Byamukama Libino 


Rukiga district yesterday launched the tarmacking of a 5km road worth 4 billion 890000sh, in Kamwezi Sub County.

The 5 km Nyakisa Kanyeganyegye road connects Rutobo kamwezi to Rwamatunguru Trading center and was lobbied by the Rukiga woman MP Hon Kamusiime Caroline from the ministry of works in the last elections.

Speaking to our reporter at Nyakihanga play ground in Kashekye parish Kamwezi Sub County at the launching site, the Residents showed concern on the falling bridges and the poor state of roads in the sub county.

Hon. Kamusiime commissioning road construction in Kamwezi Sub County, Rukiga district

Some of the resident led by sanyu Jeninah Rugyendo, said that the road which is to be tarmacked shall ease on transportation of coffee, Bananas, hardcore stones that the area has been facing most especially when it rains.

They added that patients have been failing to come at kamwezi health center 3 due to the broken bridges.

Eng. Alex Baguma who represented the ministry of works and transport urged the contractor Graystone to employ the natives and warned him against presenting shoddy work.

He however noted that there is no compensation in this road construction and urged the public to cooperate with the contractor for the benefit of the district.

The Rukiga woman Mp Hon Kamusiime Caroline said that she started following up the project in 2018 but some people whom she preferred unanimously termed the pledge as politics.

Kamusiime added that the people of Kamwezi have been complaining about being left out and this was the right time to bring happiness to their faces.

She called upon the public against changing leaders every term saying that this contribution does not yield to development because it cuts off the plans one has already established for his or her constituency.

Kamusiime Caroline urged the contractor to employ the locals. She however showed concern on how some staff goes about stealing the law materials.

The Rukiga county Mp Nyomugyenyi aplouded Hon Kamusiime for lobbying out the road. Nyomugyenyi called upon the contractor to first work upon the broken bridges to save the situation.

He further warned contractors against presenting shoddy work to the people of Rukiga saying that if it means bringing the committee of ministry of works, he is ready to bring them.

The Rukiga District LC5 Chairperson Mr Mbabazi Robert Kakwerere and Rukiga deputy RDC Mr Zadoki Kamusiime vowed to deal with staff who will take advantage of school going children in the village.

They urged the public to have a sense of belonging and report any case of shoddy work at the district.

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