Kadungala Secondary School embarks on Construction of UGX 100M Netball,Basketball Courts

Kadungala Secondary School embarks on Construction of UGX 100M Netball,Basketball Courts

By Emmanuel Sekago

Kaddugala Secondary School has embarked on a transformative initiative by initiating the construction of state-of-the-art netball and basketball courts, representing a significant investment of UGX 100 million in sports infrastructure.

Other construction of buildings ongoing

This ambitious project underscores the school’s unwavering commitment to fostering excellence in sports and providing students with access to top-notch facilities for athletic development.

The construction of the netball and basketball courts marks a pivotal moment in Kaddugala Secondary School’s journey towards creating a conducive environment for sports participation and talent cultivation.

The Tractor on Site

With a keen focus on promoting holistic development, the school recognizes the importance of sports in nurturing essential life skills such as teamwork, discipline, and resilience among its students.

According to the headteacher Yahaya Ssengabi talking to wallnetnews said the new courts are poised to serve as vibrant hubs of sporting activity, providing students with a dedicated space to hone their skills, compete at the highest level, and forge lifelong friendships through the spirit of sportsmanship and camaraderie.

Equipped with modern amenities and designed to international standards, the courts will offer students an unparalleled platform to showcase their talent and passion for netball and basketball.

Construction of Sports courts at kaddugala secondary school

Beyond the realms of competition, the construction of the netball and basketball courts reflects Kaddugala Secondary School’s broader commitment to promoting physical fitness, well-being, and healthy lifestyle choices among its student body.

By providing access to quality sports facilities, the school aims to instill a culture of active living and wellness that extends far beyond the confines of the playing field.

The UGX 100 million investment in sports infrastructure underscores Kaddugala Secondary School’s proactive approach to enhancing the overall student experience and creating opportunities for personal growth and achievement.

Through strategic investments in sports facilities, the school seeks to empower students to unlock their full potential and pursue excellence in all aspects of their academic and extracurricular pursuits.

Meanwhile, as construction progresses on the netball and basketball courts, anticipation runs high among students, faculty, and the wider community, heralding a new era of sporting excellence and opportunity at Kaddugala Secondary School.

With determination and vision, the school is poised to harness the transformative power of sports to inspire, uplift, and empower the next generation of athletes and leaders.

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