Former Presidential Advisor Mirundi Recommends Mbarara RRH to a National Referral 

Former Presidential Advisor Mirundi Recommends Mbarara RRH to a National Referral 

Admin WallnetNews
The former presidential mouthpiece/Presidential Advisor Tamale Murundi has claimed that Mbarara referral hospital is incomparable in terms of rendering health services, thus it deserves promotion to a national Referral Hospital.
While visiting the Mbarara Referral Hospital on Monday this week, the  Uganda’s political motormouth,  Murundi senior said that he was enthralled by the state of internal organization,  adding that you can’t find it in other bigger hospitals in the country.  He reaffirmed his confession in his unusual style of banging his head calling upon government to expedite the process of declaring Mbarara RRH, a national referral hospital.
“You find there are mafias seated in higher offices busy allocating huge sums of money to other sectors but don’t want to think about other sectors that directly impact a local person, now look at this facility it needs support by government”, says Tamale .
Mirundi was welcomed by Halson Kagure, the hospital public relations officer who ushered him in the office of the Executive Director.
” Let me ask a question Bwana director,  what do we loose if we empower this hospital that is also a teaching affiliation with all necessary support, of course we loose nothing and gain everything!”, He stated.
Tamale Mirundi in pause with the Mbarara RRH Boss, Barigye, Hospital PRO and others
Mirundi said he was not shocked to hear that Mbarara RRH successfully separated conjoined twins adding that it has genius experts who were trained by Cuban doctors.
Though his visit wasn’t known to  journalists, we have established that they had a closed door meeting which was attended by hospital director Dr Barigye, Public relations officer & Dr. Oriokot, the senior pediatrician who doubles as deputy director. Mirundi was accompanied by some other security personnels for a private mission in this facility.
According to the Hospital Public Relations Officer, Kagure revealed that  Tamale like any other Ugandan had come to know much about Mbarara referral hospital which he has been reading in the media for doing wonders in dispensing health care services. That him and other people who had accompanied him, had come for other private missions in the Hospital.

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