Exclusive Interview: Uganda Boxing Federation President Moses Muhangi Reflects on Mandela Boxing Championship and entire Boxing sport 

Exclusive Interview: Uganda Boxing Federation President Moses Muhangi Reflects on Mandela Boxing Championship and entire Boxing sport 

Reporter: Emmanuel Sekago

Emmanuel Sekago: Today, Tuesday, May,7th 2024 we have the privilege of speaking with Moses Muhangi, the President of the Uganda Boxing Federation.
Moses Muhangi: Thank you, Emmanuel. It’s a pleasure to be here.

Emmanuel Sekago:  Let’s delve straight into it. The Mandela Boxing Championship marked Uganda’s debut participation. Can you share your overall view of the competition and how Uganda fared?

Moses Muhangi: Absolutely. Firstly, I must express our gratitude for the opportunity to participate in such a prestigious event. The Mandela Boxing Championship provided a platform for our boxers to showcase their talent on an international stage. While it was our first time participating, our team exhibited remarkable determination and skill. We may not have secured as many victories as we hoped for, but the experience gained is invaluable. Our boxers displayed resilience and promise for the future of Ugandan boxing.

Emmanuel Sekago: That’s commendable, Mr. Muhangi. Among the highlights, could you elaborate on the performance of the women’s team?

Moses Muhangi: Certainly. The performance of our women’s team was particularly noteworthy. Despite facing formidable opponents, our female boxers demonstrated exceptional prowess and tenacity. They showcased their technical abilities and fought with commendable spirit. It’s important to recognize the strides being made in women’s boxing in Uganda. We are committed to further supporting and nurturing the talent within this division.

Emmanuel Sekago: It’s great to hear about the progress in women’s boxing. However, there have been concerns raised about the funding aspect. It’s understood that there were no funds allocated from the National Council of Sports. How did the Uganda Boxing Federation manage in such circumstances?

Moses Muhangi: Funding is undeniably a crucial aspect of sports development. While we faced challenges in securing financial support from the National Council of Sports, we were fortunate to receive backing from other sources, including private sponsors and well-wishers. The resilience of our team and the support from various stakeholders enabled us to participate in the Mandela Boxing Championship. However, it’s imperative for sports federations to receive adequate funding to ensure sustained growth and success.

Emmanuel Sekago: Thank you for shedding light on that matter, Mr. Muhangi. Looking ahead, what are the future plans for the Uganda Boxing Federation, especially in light of the experience gained from the Mandela Boxing Championship?

Moses Muhangi:  Our participation in the Mandela Boxing Championship served as a learning experience and a stepping stone for future endeavors. Moving forward, we are focused on enhancing our training programs, nurturing young talent, and securing additional resources to support our boxers. We aim to increase our presence in international competitions and continue striving for excellence in Ugandan boxing.
Emmanuel Sekago:The Uganda National Boxing Open witnessed a massive turnout with over 1000 boxers participating. Can you share your thoughts on the event and the level of competition?

Moses Muhangi: Absolutely, Emmanuel. The Uganda National Boxing Open exceeded our expectations in terms of participation and competitiveness. It was truly a spectacle to witness so many talented boxers from different regions of Uganda showcasing their skills in the ring. The level of competition was intense, with each bout filled with passion and determination. It’s a testament to the growing interest and talent in boxing across the country.

Emmanuel Sekago: Indeed, it sounds like an electrifying event. With both men and women vying for a spot in the Uganda Boxing Champions League Season 3, how would you assess the performance of the female boxers?

Moses Muhangi: The performance of the female boxers was nothing short of impressive. We witnessed a remarkable display of skill, strength, and resilience from the women competing in the tournament. It’s evident that women’s boxing in Uganda is on the rise, and we are committed to providing equal opportunities for female boxers to excel in the sport. Their participation in events like the Uganda National Boxing Open is instrumental in promoting gender equality and inclusivity in boxing.

Emmanuel Sekago: That’s wonderful to hear, Mr. Muhangi. Moving forward, what significance does the Uganda Boxing Champions League Season 3 hold for the sport in Uganda, and what can we expect from this upcoming season?

Moses Muhangi: The Uganda Boxing Champions League Season 3 is a pinnacle event for boxing in Uganda. It brings together the best boxers from across the country to compete for the prestigious title of national champion. This season promises to be even more thrilling and competitive, with boxers aiming to showcase their skills and claim victory in the ring. We are dedicated to ensuring that the Uganda Boxing Champions League continues to serve as a platform for talent development, promotion of the sport, and entertainment for boxing enthusiasts nationwide.

Emmanuel Sekago: The strategic meeting at Lugogo Cooper Chimney brought together boxers and coaches to prepare for the upcoming Season 3 of the Uganda Boxing Champions League. Can you provide us with an overview of the discussions and objectives of the meeting?

Moses Muhangi: Certainly, Emmanuel. The strategic meeting at Lugogo Cooper Chimney was a crucial opportunity for boxers and coaches to come together and fine-tune their preparations for Season 3 of the Uganda Boxing Champions League. We discussed various aspects, including technical tactics, physical conditioning, mental preparedness, and overall team cohesion. The objective was to ensure that our athletes are well-equipped and fully prepared to compete at their best in the upcoming competition.

Emmanuel Sekago: That sounds like a comprehensive approach to preparation. Could you elaborate on some of the specific strategies and areas of focus identified during the meeting?

Moses Muhangi: Absolutely. One of the key strategies identified during the meeting was the importance of adaptability and versatility in the ring. We emphasized the need for our boxers to be able to adjust their tactics and techniques based on the style and strengths of their opponents. Additionally, there was a strong emphasis on physical fitness and conditioning, as well as mental resilience and focus. We also discussed the importance of effective communication and teamwork between boxers and coaches to maximize performance and achieve success in the competition.

Emmanuel Sekago: It’s evident that a holistic approach to preparation was emphasized during the meeting. With Season 3 of the Uganda Boxing Champions League fast approaching, what are your expectations for the performance of the Ugandan boxing team?

Moses Muhangi: We have high expectations for the performance of the  boxers in season 3  of the Uganda Boxing Champions League. All those who qualified have been training diligently and are fully committed to representing their clubs with pride and determination. We believe that with the right preparation, mindset, and support,  boxers have the potential to achieve great success in the competition. We are confident that they will showcase their skills and talent.
Emmanuel Sekago:  Following complaints raised by boxers and coaches during Season 2 of the Uganda Boxing Champions League, what prompted the decision to organize a boxing judges’ workshop for Season 3?

Moses Muhangi: The decision to organize a boxing judges’ workshop for Season 3 was prompted by the feedback and concerns raised by boxers and coaches during the previous season. We take the integrity and fairness of our competitions very seriously, and it was important for us to address any issues regarding officiating standards. The workshop presents an opportunity to provide additional training and education to our judges, reinforce scoring criteria, and ensure that they are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to officiate matches effectively.

Emmanuel Sekago: That’s a proactive approach to addressing concerns and ensuring transparency in the judging process. Could you share some insights into what will be covered during the workshop and how it will benefit both judges and participants?

Moses Muhangi: Certainly, Emmanuel. The workshop will cover a wide range of topics, including scoring criteria, ring positioning, effective communication among judges, and maintaining impartiality and objectivity. We will also conduct practical exercises and simulations to allow judges to practice scoring bouts and make decisions in real-time. Additionally, there will be discussions on the importance of consistency and accountability in judging decisions, as well as strategies to minimize the likelihood of controversial or disputed outcomes. Overall, the workshop aims to enhance the skills and professionalism of our judges, ultimately benefiting both the participants and the integrity of the competition.

Emmanuel Sekago: It sounds like a comprehensive and beneficial initiative. With the workshop in place, what are your expectations for the impact it will have on the officiating standards during Season 3 of the Uganda Boxing Champions League?

Moses Muhangi: We have high expectations for the impact of the workshop on the officiating standards during Season 3 of the Uganda Boxing Champions League. By providing additional training and education to our judges, we aim to improve the overall quality and consistency of officiating, thereby ensuring fair and accurate scoring of bouts. We believe that the workshop will enhance the professionalism and integrity of our judges, instilling confidence in both boxers and coaches in the fairness of the competition. Ultimately, our goal is to uphold the highest standards of sportsmanship and ensure a level playing field for all participants.

Emmanuel Sekago: That’s reassuring to hear, Mr. Muhangi is there anything else you’d like to share with our audience regarding the upcoming boxing judges’ workshop and Season 3 of the Uganda Boxing Champions League?

Moses Muhangi: I would like to take this opportunity to encourage all our judges, boxers, coaches, and stakeholders to actively participate in the workshop and contribute to its success. Your feedback and engagement are invaluable in our efforts to improve the officiating standards and uphold the integrity of the sport. Together, we can ensure that Season 3 of the Uganda Boxing Champions League is a fair, competitive, and enjoyable experience for everyone involved.

Emmanuel Sekago: Last year, during Season 2 of the Uganda Boxing Champions League, the winners were awarded with UBF Belt Titles. Can we expect the same prize for the winners of this year’s competition?

Moses Muhangi: Absolutely, Emmanuel. The UBF Belt Titles have become synonymous with excellence and achievement in Ugandan boxing. We are proud to continue this tradition and recognize the outstanding performances of our champions by awarding them with these prestigious titles. The UBF Belt Titles symbolize not only the victory in the competition but also the dedication, hard work, and talent of our boxers. Therefore, I can confidently say that the winners of Season 3 of the Uganda Boxing Champions League can indeed expect to walk away with UBF Belt Titles.

Emmanuel Sekago: That’s fantastic news for the aspiring champions participating in Season 3. Can you share a bit about the significance of the UBF Belt Titles and what they represent for the boxing community in Uganda?

Moses Muhangi: The UBF Belt Titles hold immense significance within the boxing community in Uganda. They represent the pinnacle of achievement and serve as a symbol of excellence and prestige. Winning a UBF Belt Title is a dream for many aspiring boxers and is the culmination of years of hard work, dedication, and sacrifice. The titles not only honor the individual champions but also inspire the entire boxing community and serve as a source of motivation for future generations of boxers. They are a testament to the rich tradition and legacy of Ugandan boxing and celebrate the talent and resilience of our athletes.

Emmanuel Sekago: It’s clear that the UBF Belt Titles carry a lot of weight and honor within the boxing community. Looking ahead to Season 3 of the Uganda Boxing Champions League, what are your expectations for the competition, and what message do you have for the participating boxers?

Moses Muhangi: We have high expectations for Season 3 of the Uganda Boxing Champions League. We anticipate fierce competition, thrilling matchups, and unforgettable moments in the ring. To all the participating boxers, I would like to convey a simple yet powerful message: Believe in yourselves, give your best effort, and compete with honor and sportsmanship. Remember that you are not only representing yourselves but also your clubs, communities, and country. Embrace the opportunity to showcase your skills, demonstrate your resilience, and inspire others with your performances. Regardless of the outcomes, know that you have already achieved greatness by stepping into the ring and pursuing your passion for boxing.

Emmanuel Sekago: Let’s address the topic at hand. There has been talk about the Uganda Boxing Federation Awards Dinner to honor the achievements of outstanding individuals and clubs in the boxing community. However, it seems that the event has been delayed. Could you shed some light on why it’s taking the Uganda Boxing Federation so long to organize such an event for the first time?

Moses Muhangi: Certainly, Emmanuel. The Uganda Boxing Federation Awards Dinner is a significant event that we have been planning meticulously. However, like any large-scale event, there are numerous factors that need to be considered to ensure its success. We want to ensure that the awards dinner is not just a one-time affair but rather a prestigious and memorable event that becomes a highlight of the boxing calendar. Therefore, we have been taking our time to carefully plan and organize every aspect of the event to ensure that it meets the high standards and expectations of the boxing community.

Emmanuel Sekago: I see. So, what can we expect from the Uganda Boxing Federation Awards Dinner once it’s finally organized? Can you provide some insights into what the event will entail and who will be recognized?

Moses Muhangi: The Uganda Boxing Federation Awards Dinner will be a grand celebration of excellence and achievement within the Ugandan boxing community. It will be an opportunity to recognize and honor the best boxers, coaches, judges, clubs, and other individuals who have made significant contributions to the sport. We will have various award categories, including Best Boxer of the Year, Best Coach of the Year, Best Judge of the Year, Best Club of the Year, and many more. The event will feature speeches, presentations, entertainment, and networking opportunities, creating a memorable experience for all attendees.

Emmanuel Sekago: That sounds like a fantastic event to celebrate the achievements of the boxing community in Uganda. With the planning underway, when can we expect the Uganda Boxing Federation Awards Dinner to take place?

Moses Muhangi: While I cannot provide an exact date at this moment, I can assure you that we are making significant progress in the planning and organization of the awards dinner. We are aiming to hold the event at a time that is conducive for all stakeholders and ensures maximum participation. Rest assured, we will announce the date and details of the Uganda Boxing Federation Awards Dinner as soon as they are finalized, and we look forward to hosting a truly memorable and prestigious event for the entire boxing community.

Emmanuel Sekago: Since you assumed the role of President of the Uganda Boxing Federation, the sport has received significant attention from media outlets, both positive and negative. What are your thoughts on the media coverage of boxing during your tenure?

Moses Muhangi: The increased media coverage of boxing in Uganda during my tenure as President of the Uganda Boxing Federation is a testament to the growing interest and relevance of the sport in our country. While some of the coverage may have been negative at times, it’s important to recognize that any publicity, whether positive or negative, helps to raise awareness and spark discussions about boxing. As long as the coverage is fair, accurate, and constructive, it provides an opportunity for us to address any challenges, celebrate our successes, and promote the sport to a wider audience.

Emmanuel Sekago: That’s a balanced perspective, Mr. Muhangi. How do you navigate and respond to negative media coverage of boxing, and what steps do you take to ensure that the sport is portrayed in a positive light?

Moses Muhangi: When it comes to negative media coverage of boxing, our approach is to address any concerns or issues raised in a transparent and proactive manner. We strive to engage with media outlets, journalists, and stakeholders to provide accurate information, clarify any misconceptions, and address any challenges facing the sport. Additionally, we focus on highlighting the positive aspects of boxing, such as the talent and dedication of our athletes, the impact of the sport on communities, and the opportunities it provides for personal growth and development. By emphasizing these positive aspects, we aim to counteract any negative perceptions and promote a more balanced and nuanced understanding of boxing.

Emmanuel Sekago: It’s clear that effective communication and engagement are key in managing media coverage of boxing. With that in mind, what are your plans for further enhancing the visibility and coverage of boxing in Uganda moving forward?

Moses Muhangi: Moving forward, we are focused on expanding our media outreach efforts to further enhance the visibility and coverage of boxing in Uganda. This includes strengthening our relationships with media outlets, journalists, and broadcasters, as well as leveraging digital platforms and social media to reach a broader audience. We also plan to organize more events, competitions, and initiatives that capture the attention and interest of the media and the public. Ultimately, our goal is to position boxing as a dynamic and exciting sport that resonates with people of all backgrounds and interests, and we are committed to working closely with the media to achieve this goal.

Emmanuel Sekago: Since you took over as the President of the Uganda Boxing Federation, we’ve seen visits from prominent dignitaries, including the President of the International Boxing Association (IBA), to Uganda. What significance do these visits hold for Ugandan boxing, and what’s your take on them?

Moses Muhangi: The visits of dignitaries, including the President of the International Boxing Association (IBA), to Uganda are of immense significance for the development and recognition of Ugandan boxing on the global stage. These visits demonstrate the growing interest and support for boxing in Uganda and highlight the strides we’ve made in promoting and advancing the sport. It’s a testament to the hard work, dedication, and achievements of our athletes, coaches, officials, and stakeholders. Furthermore, these visits provide an opportunity for us to showcase the talent, facilities, and potential of Ugandan boxing and to forge partnerships and collaborations with international organizations and federations for the further growth and development of the sport.

Emmanuel Sekago: That’s indeed a remarkable achievement for Ugandan boxing. Can you share some insights into the outcomes or discussions that took place during these visits, particularly in relation to the future of boxing in Uganda?

Moses Muhangi: During these visits, there were fruitful discussions and exchanges on various topics related to the future of boxing in Uganda. We discussed strategies for talent identification and development, capacity building for coaches and officials, infrastructure development, and opportunities for international collaboration and participation. There was also a focus on promoting gender equality and inclusivity in boxing and exploring ways to empower and support female boxers. Additionally, we discussed the importance of good governance, transparency, and integrity in the administration of boxing, as well as the role of education and youth engagement in fostering the next generation of champions. Overall, these visits provided valuable insights and perspectives that will inform our efforts to further strengthen and grow the sport in Uganda.

Emmanuel Sekago:It’s encouraging to hear about the positive outcomes and discussions that took place during these visits. Looking ahead, what are your aspirations for the future of boxing in Uganda, particularly in light of the support and recognition received from international dignitaries?

Moses Muhangi: Our aspirations for the future of boxing in Uganda are ambitious yet achievable. We aim to continue building on the momentum and support generated by these visits to further elevate Ugandan boxing to new heights of excellence and success. We are committed to investing in grassroots development programs, providing world-class training and support for our athletes, enhancing the professionalism and integrity of our administration, and strengthening partnerships with international organizations and federations. Our ultimate goal is to position Uganda as a powerhouse in global boxing, producing champions who inspire and represent the best of our nation on the international stage.

Emmanuel Sekago:Last year, President Museveni agreed to offer land to the Uganda Boxing Federation, with one acre in Kampala and one in 10 districts across the country. Can you provide us with any updates on the progress of acquiring this land, and what challenges is the Uganda Boxing Federation facing in this endeavor?

Moses Muhangi: Certainly, Emmanuel. The offer of land from President Museveni is a significant opportunity for the Uganda Boxing Federation to establish modern training facilities and infrastructure across the country. Since the announcement, we have been working diligently to follow up on this directive and initiate the process of acquiring the land in Kampala and the 10 designated districts. However, we have encountered several challenges along the way, primarily related to land acquisition processes, bureaucratic procedures, and coordination with local authorities and stakeholders.

ES: It sounds like a complex process. Can you elaborate on some of the specific challenges you’ve faced in acquiring the land as per the directive of the Head of State?

Moses Muhangi: One of the main challenges we’ve faced is the lengthy and sometimes cumbersome land acquisition processes, particularly in some of the rural districts where land tenure systems may be less formalized. Securing suitable land parcels that meet our requirements and ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory frameworks have also posed significant challenges. Additionally, there have been logistical and administrative hurdles in coordinating with local authorities and stakeholders, as well as mobilizing the necessary resources and support for the acquisition and development of the land.

ES: Those are indeed formidable challenges. Despite these hurdles, what measures is the Uganda Boxing Federation taking to overcome these obstacles and expedite the process of acquiring the land?

Moses Muhangi: Despite the challenges, we remain committed to pursuing the acquisition of land as per the directive of President Museveni. To overcome these obstacles, we are actively engaging with relevant government agencies, local authorities, and stakeholders to streamline the land acquisition processes and address any administrative or regulatory bottlenecks. We are also exploring innovative financing mechanisms and partnerships to mobilize the resources needed for the acquisition and development of the land. Additionally, we are leveraging our networks and relationships to garner support and advocacy for our cause, emphasizing the social and developmental benefits of investing in boxing infrastructure and facilities across Uganda.

Emmanuel Sekago: It’s commendable to see the Uganda Boxing Federation’s determination in overcoming these challenges. Looking ahead, what are your expectations for the establishment of modern training facilities and infrastructure once the land is acquired?

Moses Muhangi: Once the land is acquired, our priority will be to establish modern training facilities and infrastructure that provide our athletes with world-class training opportunities and support services. These facilities will serve as hubs for talent development, coaching, and sports science, equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and amenities. They will also serve as centers for community engagement, offering recreational and educational programs to promote healthy lifestyles and social cohesion. Ultimately, our goal is to create a conducive environment for the growth and success of boxing in Uganda, producing champions who can compete at the highest levels on the global stage.

Emmanuel Sekago: Thank you, Mr. Muhangi, for your time and sights on so many questions and challenges faced by the Uganda Boxing Federation in acquiring land across Uganda, as per the directive of President Museveni.

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