Catholic Priest curses Politicians with Waragi Politics

Catholic Priest curses Politicians with Waragi Politics

Amos Tayebwa
The Assistant Parish Priest for Rubindi Parish in Kashari North Mbarara District, Fr. Julius Caesar Kamukama has condemned the conduct by politicians who bribe electorates by buying them alcohol (Waragi) in exchange of votes.
Fr. Kamukama has revealed that in the politics of Uganda today, there is a tendency in politicians blinding their people and driving their political campaigns based on bribes of small cheap things like buying them salt and especially the most painful thing is buying them alcohol like waragi.
This call was made during the fundraising Drive towards the purchase of beds for St. Johns Primary School Kyakatara in Rubindi Sub-county Kashari North, where about 6.8M were collected out of Shs 9M that is required for purchase of the beds.
The masses and the Leaders in particular politicians of Kashari especially, were asked  to stop blinding people with small things during the campaigns ahead of elections.
“Some things pain me personally, you are a leader that you come you tell the people that you want to lead them to a better place and then they asked for waragi you also give the waragi , no, am convinced in that case that you don’t want to lead the people you simply want to use the people as a stepping stone. I therefore request all of you, especially our politicians, to teach our people that the reason you are into politics is for the development of our areas, it’s for the development of our people” said Fr. Kamukama.
“Sometimes the voters will ask for waragi, i know, they compel you to give them what does not benefit them but honestly if such a person was your own child and the child asked for the poison, would you give them poison so that the child lcan loves you? No, better know that alcohol is killing our areas, and  especially its killing our youth and that’s painful to see young people consumed in alcohol.  So I appeal to you leaders, please please stop waragi politics” he added
Fr. Kamukama has also condemned Political sabotage against service delivery. “What I ask of the people mostly those who are in political scene and all of us is when someone does something good appreciate it encourage them and when you are also able to do something good come up and do it no matter how much benefits the other person, encourage  and also try to do your own good to make your own contribution. And if each of us makes a contribution to the society, the society will grow and we will become better “said Fr. Kamukama.
Fred Mwesigye who was leading the fundraising drive  at St. John’s Catholic Church Kyakatara said that he has tried to do many things in his area in Kashari North most especially in terms of education, in terms of health and other Services.
However, Mwesingye reveals that as he has been executing that work he normally gets challenges of sabotage especially people who are in politics.
“Some people think that when you are doing something good to the community, you are aiming at politics, no, we are aiming at creating leaders. Personally I want to call my fellow Leaders and those in political positions to support projects whether from the Government or from an individuals like us. Foreample in areas where I come from, many schools have challenges in terms of health facilities like toilets and poor state of the classrooms, now we need to work together with the community, government, the church and even the donors to ensure we help our institutions that are in very bad conditions. Lets support education in our areas as key and leave things of sabotage because of poor politics”  Mwesigye
Mwesigye is a new kid on the block in the politics of Kashari North where he’s  gearing up to contest for the Member of Parliament seat against MP Bazir Bataringa Rwankwene commonly known as Omwonyo Gwentunguka.

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