USSSA Busoga Zone lifts bans: Kyabaziga College and Ibun Baz School eagerly return to sports

USSSA Busoga Zone lifts bans: Kyabaziga College and Ibun Baz School eagerly return to sports

By Emmanuel Sekago

In a significant development, the Uganda Secondary Schools Sports Association (USSSA) – Busoga Zone has officially lifted the bans on Kyabaziga College School -Kamuli and Ibun Baz School-Iganga, allowing the schools to resume their participation in sports activities.

Ibun Baz students celebrating after getting the news

This decision brings relief and joy to the school communities, opening the door for students to once again engage in competitive sports.

Kyabaziga College School and Ibun Baz School had faced regulatory challenges that led to temporary bans on their sports participation.

The USSSA Busoga Zone executive sitting at Sole View hotel on Wednesday, February 21st 2024, recognizing the importance of sports in the holistic development of students, conducted a thorough review and subsequently lifted the bans, paving the way for the schools to compete in various sports disciplines, however Mayuge Light College ban was declined failure to present there defense but still have room to appeal.

Kyabaziga College School praying

The news has been met with enthusiasm from both schools, with students, teachers, and parents expressing excitement about the prospect of resuming sports activities.

The USSSA Busoga Zone is known for its vibrant competitions and fostering a spirit of healthy rivalry among schools in the region.

Mr. Wanume Kusein, the Headteacher of Kyabaziga College School, expressed gratitude for the decision, stating, “We are thankful to the USSSA Busoga Zone for recognizing the importance of sports in our students’ lives. This decision not only allows us to participate in competitions but also reinstates a vital aspect of our school’s identity.”

Ibun Baz School’s Principal, Mr Mustafa Waikasi, echoed the sentiment, saying, “Sports play a crucial role in nurturing discipline, teamwork, and resilience among our students. We appreciate the USSSA Busoga Zone’s understanding and support in lifting the bans, and we are eager to see our students shine on the sports field once again.”

The USSSA Busoga Zone, in collaboration with education authorities, conducted a thorough assessment of the measures taken by Kyabaziga College school and Ibun Baz School to address the concerns that led to the bans.

Satisfied with the schools’ commitment to compliance, the USSSA Busoga Zone made the decision to reinstate their eligibility for participation in sports competitions.

The entire school communities are now gearing up for the upcoming sports events, including the eagerly anticipated USSSA Busoga Zone competitions.

Parents, students, and supporters are looking forward to witnessing their schools’ athletes showcase their skills, teamwork, and sportsmanship on the field.

Meanwhile, as Kyabaziga College school and Ibun Baz School prepare to make a triumphant return to sports competitions, the USSSA Busoga Zone’s decision highlights the significance of providing students with opportunities for holistic development through sports and extracurricular activities.

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