TIMELY! UCDA, PSFU Sign Mega Coffee Deal

TIMELY! UCDA, PSFU Sign Mega Coffee Deal

By Our Reporter

The Coffee Development Authority (UCDA) on Monday signed a memorandum of cooperation with the Private Sector Foundation Uganda (PSFU) aimed at promoting the production, consumption and marketing of coffee in Uganda. Under the memorandum, the specific areas of cooperation will include creation and exchange of information, cooperation on promoting coffee production, processing, domestic consumption and marketing in the private sector in Uganda and its membership.

Other areas include promotion and improvement in the marketing of coffee, including developing digital marketing platforms, with a view of optimizing efficiency and job creation among the youth; promoting domestic consumption of coffee in the private sector; promotion of coffee tourism and promotion of internationally accepted standards and quality of coffee to enhance its competitiveness.

The memorandum was signed at Serena Hotel, Kampala. Dr. Emmanuel Iyamulemye, the Managing Director UCDA, who signed on behalf of UCDA, thanked PSFU management for accepting to cooperate with them to drive the coffee sector forward. Under the MOU, UCDA will work with PSFU to establish a mutual cooperation in the coffee subsector regarding production, productivity, marketing, policy environment, research and coffee business in the Private Sector of Uganda.

Steven Asiimwe, the Chief Executive Officer, who signed on behalf of PSFU said that the private sector is the engine for economic growth in the country and working UCDA is going to open up new opportunities in areas such as ICT, tourism marketing, domestic consumption and finance. He added that the Memorandum is timely and a strong public private partnership will propel the industry to greater heights.

UCDA will also work with PSFU to influence and lobby areas of mutual interest and pursue legal, regulatory and policy changes in the coffee value chain. The two entities also agreed to raise private sector awareness about the value of coffee to the economy and household livelihood.

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