She Cranes players miss-out on £45 daily allowance while in the UK

She Cranes players miss-out on £45 daily allowance while in the UK

By Emmanuel Sekago

In a startling turn of events, allegations have surfaced regarding the potential misappropriation of the She Cranes’ daily allowance of £45 during their recent tour in the United Kingdom.

The accusations suggest that the allocated funds may not have reached the players as intended, raising concerns about financial transparency within the normalisation netball committee.

The controversy emerged after speculation circulated about discrepancies in the disbursement of the daily allowance meant to cover the players’ expenses during their stay in the UK. Sources close to the team have hinted at a lack of clarity regarding the utilization of the allocated funds, prompting calls for a thorough investigation into the matter.

Captain Eyaru handing over National Flag

According to the agreement  international test series seen by wallnetnews between England and Uganda on “HOSTING THE SERIES”

The Host Party will promote and host the Series and is responsible for the cost of staging Matches as part of the Series as outlined in this Agreement as well as carrying out all other obligations assigned to it under this Agreement.

Clause; 4.2.1. The Host Party will cover costs for the Away Party for the following items only: Travel costs for the following; Between the arrival airport into England and team accommodation, Between the team accommodation and training venue, Between the team accommodation and competition venue, Between host cities (where there are multiple locations of Matches), From team accommodation to departure airport in England.

She Cranes players who have returned from UK, credit Jackshots

On the Accommodation costs for the Tour Party of up to 18 persons for the Test Period(comprising x6 Twin share and x6 single occupancy rooms) up to a maximum of 12 nights.
A Per Diem for the Tour Party of up to £45 per person (up to 18 persons) per day for the Test Period (up to a maximum of 13 days).

However, the players only received the government allowance $1000, (UGX3.7m) for the whole days they have stayed in Wales and the United Kingdom.

While details regarding the alleged misappropriation remain sketchy, the netball community is closely following developments, expressing concern over the potential impact on the team’s morale and financial well-being.

The She Cranes, known for their dedication and sportsmanship, have garnered significant support both nationally and internationally, adding weight to the importance of resolving these allegations transparently and swiftly.

Stakeholders and fans alike are urging the authorities to conduct a thorough and impartial investigation, ensuring that the truth prevails and that appropriate action is taken if any wrongdoing is uncovered.

The outcome of this inquiry will not only influence the reputation of Netball  but also shape perceptions of financial integrity within the broader sporting community.

As the investigation unfolds, the spotlight remains firmly on the She Cranes, who continue to represent Uganda with distinction on the international stage. Their dedication to the sport deserves a fair and transparent resolution to the allegations, ensuring that the spirit of fair play and integrity remains at the forefront of Uganda’s sporting endeavors.

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