Pull off your nose from Speaker Among, focus on institution’s accountability–C4BU Tanbull to social media critics

Pull off your nose from Speaker Among, focus on institution’s accountability–C4BU Tanbull to social media critics

By Evans Najuna
KAMPALA  – The renowned political commentator who doubles as the National Coordinator – ‘Citizens for A Better Uganda’ (C4BU), Akampa Rugaba Tanbull, has come out to raise his concerns on social media critics and online bloggers to stop inciting the public on trying to turnish the reputation of Uganda’s Speaker of Parliament Rt. Hon. Annet Anitah Among.
Speaking with our reporter on Friday evening, Akampa Turnbull, said that what started on Social media platform X (formery Twitter) the whole of this week, as ParlaimentExhibition by different activists like my friends, Agather, Toko and Spire has taken over even the mainstream media and now it is the talk of the nation.
According to Turnbull, where as it is a constitutional right for Citizens to demand and seek for accountability of their leaders, this should objectively be done devoid of emotions but rather reasoning.
“Me, like any other concerned Citizen of this Country Uganda, we must all demand for accountability from our leaders or even institutions in a fair and just manner that does not only aim at image and Character assassination” Turnbull noted.
He added that, If one follows the hashtag ParliamentExhibition, it’s clearly seen in eye lenses on how typical Ugandans have focused on majoring in minors than focusing on the pivotal or fundamental questions.
He stressed that, the entire focus of the ParlaimentExhibition has turned into a character assassination for the Speaker of Parliament, Rt. Hon. Anita Among, her husband Hon.
Magogo, Clerk to Parliament and staff of Speaker’s office, simply because by names, they seem to be hailing from Bukedea District or Teso sub region and in this, nobody is even bothered on the review of Parliamentary budget but simply targeting for the head of the speaker Among. “To me, this is really unfair and it is done not in a good spirit of real accountability” said Turnbull.
He explained that, It is important to note that the Speaker of Parliament, Rt Hon Anita Among to be specific, does not sit and solely decide on how much should go to her office. “The budget of Parliament is equally secutinized by the Executive and comments are appended before being approved as part of the National Budget with in the frame work of Government” he added.
He reminded them that, like any other arm of Government, the Parliament go through budgeting processes and the budget of their is legally part of the National Budget for every Financial Year.
Turnbull, further highlighted out that, these social media critics ought to know that funds allocated to the Speakers Office, are budgeted for and Government it is Government that funds this entire budget of Parliament, calling them to  focus on rightful thinking as they are good citizens than putting pressure on Members of Parliament.
This will hold Government to review/reduce how much monies are allocated to Speaker’s office to spend on donations and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities. “This would make more sense than calling on Speaker Anita Among to resign and which she won’t do any way, because all the expenditures from her office are legally backed” he added.
Conclusively, he implored them, to cease fire on the ParliamentExhibition because  it has been hinged onto postmortem than the real disease. “Making noise that, ‘Speaker Among Must Resign’ wont solve the challenge at hand. He vowed to give them real facts why staff of Parliament receive money on their individual accounts and whether this has a legal back up or not.

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