Opinion! Don’t look at Namboole stadium construction alone but  also follow on the Makerere indoor arena which construction stalled

Opinion! Don’t look at Namboole stadium construction alone but  also follow on the Makerere indoor arena which construction stalled

By Emmanuel Sekago

Opinion – Focusing solely on the completion of the Namboole stadium construction overlooks another critical project that demands attention: the Makerere indoor arena construction.

Despite commencing in 2018, the progress on the arena has come to a standstill, raising concerns about the allocation of resources and the commitment to advancing both sports and educational infrastructure in Uganda.

The Makerere indoor arena fenced with iron sheets. Courtesy photo

The Makerere indoor arena holds immense potential as a multifunctional facility that can serve as a catalyst for academic and athletic excellence. Beyond being a venue for sports events, it is designed to accommodate a myriad of activities, including academic conferences, cultural exhibitions, community gatherings,  students can engage in various indoor activities, including basketball, volleyball, netball and badminton.

Its completion is not just about erecting a structure; it’s about providing students and the broader community with a dynamic space conducive to learning, collaboration, and personal growth.

The fact that construction on the Makerere indoor arena has stalled should be a cause for alarm, especially for those vested in the progress of education and sports in Uganda. It reflects a disconnect between promises made and actions taken, highlighting inefficiencies in project management and resource allocation.

Furthermore, it raises questions about the accountability of stakeholders responsible for overseeing such endeavors and ensuring their timely completion.

While the Namboole stadium is undoubtedly a flagship project with its own significance, neglecting the Makerere indoor arena sends the wrong message about the priorities of the nation. Education and sports are not mutually exclusive; they are intertwined elements essential for the holistic development of individuals and society as a whole.

By neglecting one in favor of the other, we risk depriving future generations of the opportunities they deserve to excel academically, athletically, and culturally.

Therefore, it is imperative that we broaden our focus beyond Namboole and prioritize the resumption and swift completion of the Makerere indoor arena construction. This entails not only allocating the necessary resources but also implementing robust oversight mechanisms to ensure that such projects progress without unnecessary delays or setbacks.

Only by investing in both educational and sports infrastructure can we truly empower our youth and lay the foundation for a brighter future for Uganda.

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