New Details, How IGG Officials raided UIA premisses, harvesting huge electronic documents after whistle blowers’ tip

New Details, How IGG Officials raided UIA premisses, harvesting huge electronic documents after whistle blowers’ tip

By Staff Reporter

KAMPALA – It is said that the Inspectorate of Government sitting at Jubilee house last year received a confidential complaint by a whistle blower from Uganda Investment Authority (UIA) over some inside dealings. A source privy to Wallnetnews revealed that the IGG didn’t react quickly given the sensitivity of the mater but kept a tight eye on UIA activities.

However on Tuesday this week, the rat escaped it’s hideout thinking that the cat would not notice! Interestingly, on the same day of January 16, 2024, as NAM summit was sidelining the East African Investment and Trade, to which UIA had gone to attend, little did they know that they were giving a passout to the officers of IGG to have an upper hand to their premises.

Our insiders at UIA have since informed us that the operatives arrived at UIA offices at around 4:20 pm. Surprisingly, it occurred on a critical time when some UIA officials, board members and staff were away.

The juniors available were shocked as the operatives surprised them with the search warrant to Director General’s office. The Director General was informed and allowed all available staff to fully co-operate with the IGG officers during the execution of the search warrant.

This publication has since learnt that,  the Director General Robert Mukiza was in knowledge about the search warrant but only thought it was IGG’s staff and police officers to collect oral information. He was then suprised to learn that they harvested both electronic and documentary evidence. The documents listed in collection included approved budgets, work plans, accountability procurement files, meeting minutes, staff lists, personal files, fuel management records, and more.

The Director General Mukiza has since been quoted by some media houses expressing his dissatisfaction into the management and confusion regarding the motive behind the investigation, as UIA had not been provided with a copy of the complaint but promised to cooperate. “We have nothing to hide, and we will fully cooperate with the IGG in its investigations in accordance with the law,” a source quoted Mukiza.

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