Minister Lugoolobi tasks new UBOS Board members to immediately assume office and deliver a successful National Population and Housing Census

Minister Lugoolobi tasks new UBOS Board members to immediately assume office and deliver a successful National Population and Housing Census

By Evans Najuna

KAMPALA –The State Minister for finance incharge of planning and economic development, Hon. Amos Lugoolobi, has tasked the new Board members of the Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) to immediately assume office and deliver a successful National housing population census (NHPC). Lugoolobi made the remarks after officiating the 5th inaugural ceremony of the new UBOS Board of directors.

In his address speech, the Minister noted that, the new board members have coincidentally come in at a time when the bureau is heading for a huge task of undertaking the exercise of conducting the National housing population census.

(Group photo) New Board members together with Outgoing members.

He called upon incoming board members to internalize the mandate and functions of the Bureau and come up with policies, regulations and guidelines that will enable the Bureau keep on top of the game. “You have a bigger task ahead of you immediately as you assume office, and this is delivering a successful National Population and Housing Census 2024” said the Minister. Adding that, the vision of the Bureau is ‘A World Class National Statistics Office’. “This is such a huge undertaking for the Bureau because of its importance in terms of information that the Census provides” Minister Lugoolobi stressed.

The Minister further explained that, the Bureau Board is not an executive Board and hence is not expected to be involved in the day to day running of the business of the Bureau. Adding that however, the Executive Director, who is also a member of the Board, together with the Executive Committee and Management team, runs the business of the Bureau on day to day basis.

The event was presided over by the Principal Judge Hon. Justice Dr. Flavian Zeija. (Photo courtesy)

He informed them that, the Board has got an oversight function to ensure that principles of good corporate governance are adhered to. “You must provide strategic direction to management and staff and ensure that stakeholder demands are responded to as required, ” Lugoolobi added.

Concerning the performance of their duties, the Minister urged them to observe and exercise the values of Professionalism, Integrity, Teamwork, Mutual Respect, User Orientation and teamwork among others. He further urged them to take note of the new data demands from the stakeholders and position the Bureau to remain more responsive and accountable to all relevant stakeholders.

The Minister, highlighted the pertaining effective demands including; Real time information to address the new society challenges, more frequent data demands, to embracing the digital revolution throughout the entire statistical chain, the need of small area statistics for local development such as Parish Development Model (PDM) a program that requires statistics upto the lowest unit of governance, stakeholder engagement in determining –what they need, when they need it and in what format, and Increasing demand for and use of statistics through extensive media engagement and through other formats among others.

Mr. Lugoolobi reminded these new members that, the Bureau is playing a central role in monitoring the implementation of the Plan for National Statistics Development III (PNSDIII), National Development Plan (NDPIII), while addressing the required standards for the on-going development of NDPVI. Adding that, the data further support implementation and monitoring Uganda Vision 2040, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and other regional development frameworks.

The Minister optimistically urge the Board to pay particular attention to other priorities including; Forging strategic partnerships with key stakeholders – include non-state actors, to reap synergies in the production and dissemination of statistics, embrace the digital revolution to improve the level of access, uptake and use of statistics, support government monitoring and evaluation initiatives with timely statistics to monitor result indicators in the NDPIII, need to embrace good corporate governance practices in the exercise of their duties and responsibilities. Noting that, this involves exercising transparency and accountability, ethical conduct and professionalism.


Conclusively, Lugoolobi to reaffirm the government’s commitment to supporting Uganda Bureau of Statistics in playing its rightful role. “The NRM government very much believes in and supports evidence based decision making which is only possible with the availability of quality statistics” he stated. And confirmed that Government shall continue to provide the necessary funding for statistics and advocating for use of quality statistics throughout all Ministries, Departments and Agencies including Local Governments.

New Board members
Dr. Albert Byamugish – Board Chairperson
Dr. Kabagyenyi – Board member
Ms. Rossetti Nakavuma – Board member
Ms. Irene Birungi Mugisha – Board member
Mr. Rogers Matte – Board member
Mr. Jacob Opolot – Board member
Dr. Chris M Mukiza – Board member
Ms. Pamela N Kansime – Board Secretary

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