Land grabbing splits Mbarara City North Leadership as Kyabwisho, MP Rukaari’s war escalate

Land grabbing splits Mbarara City North Leadership as Kyabwisho, MP Rukaari’s war escalate

Amos Tayebwa
Misunderstanding between Mbarara City North Division Leadership led by the Division Mayor Gumisiriza  Kyabwisho and the area Member of Parliament Dr. Robert Mwisigwa Rukaari over the escalation of Land grabbing related issues seem not to get over.
The land issue has also split the Leadership of Mayor Kyabwisho over conflict of interest in this matter. This is where some of his councilors have been spotted to be covering under MP Rukaari Camp unlike the few ones who have stood firm with their Mayor Kyabwisho to fight against Land grabbing in the Division.
The beef between the two, Mayor Kyabwisho and MP Rukaari has evolved after the escalation of the water booster Land grabbing scandal in kibwera, Nyakinengo ward. This resulted into a competition of showing the public on who is clean and who is a culprit in this case.
The genesis of the conflict started last year when the issue of water booster land grabbing was presented on the floor of council meeting where councilors were blaming the executive committee for covering up the land grabbers on that land.
Councilors recommended and resolved that Mayor Kyabwisho must implement this resolution and interdicts the Chairperson of Land Committee Julius Ashabamukama. However the Mayor revealed that he was not ready to implement that resolution made by Councilors. Kyabwisho noted that some of the Councilors were compromised by some of his political opponents just to blackmail and fight him and show the public that Kyabwisho has failed to lead the Division.
At the beginning of January this year a section of Councilors were invited by MP Rukaari in his home Nkokonjero Mbarara City to share with them a cup of tea where they eventually handed over to him a petition against the Division Mayor for aiding the land grabbers to take public land. The main issue in the petition by the Councilors was about the Water booster Land where they accused the Area Land committee Chairperson of conniving with some top leaders at Mbarara North Division and forged some Members signatures about that land. They blamed the Division Mayor for remaining silent on that matter when such government lands are being taken by land grabbers.
After receiving that petition, on 10th January, MP Rukaari also extended his efforts and petitioned the office of Brig. Gen. Henry Isoke , Head of Anti-Corruption Unit informing him about the abuse of office by the area land Committee Mbarara City North Division. In Rukaari’s petition he mentioned that on the 15th April 2020, the Chairperson of Land committee Mbarara City North Division forged the signatures of his committee members to effect land transactions for land situated at Kibwera Cell, Nyakinengo ward. He added that the Chairperson’s forgery consists of a high level of abuse of office of authority entrusted to a  public leader which should be investigated and the culprit be held accountable.
A few days after Rukaari’s Letter to the head of the Anti-corruption,  Mayor Kyabwisho started the war against Rukaari, he immediately petitioned the president of the republic of Uganda Yoweri Kaguta Museveni challenging Rukaari’s letter that he was intending to sabotage land titling in Mbarara City North.
In his letter, Kyabwisho told the president that the area MP who should have been at the forefront of helping especially on critical issues within the division because of his position as MP and member of CEC, local politics have instead consumed him and is trying to divert the division leadership from securing land titles by writing basless letters to IGG, Statehouse Anti-corruption unit.
He also mentioned in his letter that he expected the good MP to have brought these very agencies to help the division leaders sort out the issues of Rwenjeru South (Rwakabiko) where 114 hectares of land with over 100 homesteads were bought by the government but instead the bonafide beneficiaries have never occupied this land but rather are being harassed, imprisoned day and night by  Land Grabbers. He added that most of government lands were grabbed and shared by the previous leaders of this division and the efforts of the current regime to secure land titles for the remaining lands are being sabotaged by the area MP in collaboration with some councilors. Kyabwisho revealed that the issue of Kibwera water booster land  that measures approximately 102 by 126ft is under surveying and is safe, secure and it was donated to National water and sewerage corporation for water expansion in the neighboring villages by council resolution.
“Let MP Rukaari not dare to intimidate us, he has not secured any public land in Mbarara City North instead he aids the land grabbers. Why is he much interested in such a minor case yet we are the ones as the division leadership ensuring that all government lands are titled. He has started his political games but he will not manage. I am the custodian of public lands in Mbarara City North and  I will die on protecting them” said Kyabwisho, Mayor Mbarara City North Division.
Benon Kajubi, one of the Mbarara City Land board Bosses told this website that MP Rukaari did not do due diligence about land matters in Mbarara City north as a result of why he is colliding with the local leadership of Mbarara City North Division. More so, Kajubi accuses Rukaari for disrespecting the City Land Board. He says that Rukaari, before he involved himself into the scandalous land grabbing issues in Mbarara City North Division he should have consulted the City Land board to get the status of lands in dispute.
“Rukaari made a very big mistake of rushing to write to the head of the Anti-corruption Unit before he consulted us for a clear picture about the fate or the status of lands in Mbarara City North Division and the entire City. We had very vital information about Kibwera water booster land, as City Land Board we already have the file  about that land and we are in the process to give it approval for a land title. In my view, the Area Member of Parliament is just playing politics to forge support from the ground” said Kajubi
Julius Ashabamukama, the Chairperson Land Committee Mbarara City  North Division says that as the committee, they surveyed the land of water booster and the one of  Bruce whom they say he alleged encroached on that land and they recommended the application from the Mbarara City North Division but there was no any forgeries made by the committee. He said that these issues about Kibwera water booster Land involves a lot of politics geared by the area MP Rukaari.

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