Kitutu, Nandutu dropped as Events promoter Balam is appointed minister in Museveni’s new reshuffle

Kitutu, Nandutu dropped as Events promoter Balam is appointed minister in Museveni’s new reshuffle

President Yoweri Museveni has this Thursday night announced cabinet reshuffle. In the new cabinet, General Wilson Mbasu Mbadi – the Chief of Defence Forces and Mary Goretti Kitutu, Minister for Karamoja Affairs have been dropped.

Also dropped is Vincent B Ssempijja – State Minister of Agriculture. He has been apointed Presidential Adviser.

“I hereby inform the country that By virtue of the authority given to the President of Uganda by Articles: 108(2), 108A(1), 113(1) and 114(1) of the 1995 Constitution of the Republic of Uganda, That here below I publish a slightly amended list of the cabinet of Uganda,” he announced.


1.      H.E. the Vice president  HON. JESSICA ALUPO
 MAJ ( RTD);


2.       Rt. Hon Prime Minister RT. HON. ROBINAH
 And Leader of Government    Business in Parliament



1.      1st Deputy Prime Minister and RT.  HON. REBECCA
Minister for East African   Community Affairs KADAGA;
2.       2nd Deputy Prime minister RT. HON. GEN.
          and Deputy leader of Government MOSES  ALI;
          Business in Parliament


3.   3rd Deputy Prime Minister and          – HON. LUKIA
               Minister without Port-folio


4.  Minister of Education and Sports     – HON. MUSEVENI


5.   Minister, office of the President   – MS MARIAM DHOKA


6.  Minister, office of the President  – HON. JIM


7.   Minister, office of the President – DR. MUSENERO
               Serviced by the State House MONICA;
 Comptroller, in Charge of Science,

Technology and Innovation


8.      Minister for Kampala Capital       – HAJATI MINSA
           and Metropolitan Affairs KABANDA;


  1. Minister, office of the Prime –        HON. KASULE                 Minister (General duties)               LUMUMBA;


  1. Government Chief Whip           –        OBUA DENIS


  1. Minister, Office of the Prime –        ONEK                           Minister (Relief, Disaster                    HILARY;

Preparedness and Refugees)

  1. Minister for Karamoja Affairs –        PETER



  1. Minister of Agriculture, Animal –         FRANK

Industry and Fisheries                              TUMWEBAZE;

  1. Minister of Constitutional –        NOBERT MAO;       Affairs
  2. Attorney General                            –        KIRYOWA



  1. Minister of Defence and              –        OBOTH

Veterans Affairs                                          MARKSON JACOB;


  1. Minister of Energy and Minerals –        RUTH

Development                                                NANKABIRWA;

  1. Minister of Finance, Planning –        MATIA     and Economic Development                KASAIJA;


  1. Minister of Foreign Affairs          –        JEJE ODONGO


  1. Minister of Gender, Labour         –        BETTY            and Social Development                          AMONGI;
  2. Minister of Health                     –        JANE ACENG;
  3. Minister of Information,           –        CHRIS

Communications Technology                 BARYOMUNSI;

and National Guidance


23.    Minister of Internal Affairs –        HON. KAHINDA


24.    Minister of Lands, Housing –        HON. JUDITH
          and Urban Development           NABAKOOBA;
25.    Minister of Local Government –        HON. RAPHAEL
26.    Minister of Public service –        HON. MURUULI
27. Minister of Tourism,

Wildlife and antiquities

–        HON. TOM BUTIME;
28.    Minister of Trade, Industry –        HON. FRANCIS
          and Cooperatives


29. Minister of Water and –        HON. CHEPTORIS
            Environment           SAM MANGUSHO;



  1. Minister of Works                          –        HON. EDWARD           and Transport                                             KATUMBA WAMALA;


1.    Minister of State, Office of the       – HON. BEATRICE
President (Economic Monitoring) AKELLO;
2.      Minister of State, Office of the     –

President (Ethics and Integrity)


Office of the Vice President:

3.    Minister of State, Office of             – HON. MUTASINGWA
             the Vice President


Office of the Prime Minister:

4.      Minister of State, Office of the –        HON. LILLIAN ABER;
Prime Minister (Relief, Disaster                                            

Office of the President:

Preparedness and refugees)


5.    Minister of State, Office of the DR OMONA
Prime Minister (Northern Uganda) KENETH;
6.    Minister of State, Office of the HON. WAMALA
Prime Minister (Karamoja)


 NAMBOZO                            FLORENCE;
7.      Minister of State, Office of the HON. ALICE
          Prime Minister (Luwero Triangle                     -Rwenzori Region) KABOYO;
8.      Minister of State, Office of the HON. KACHA
Prime Minister (Bunyoro Affairs)    NAMUYANGU


9.  Minister of State, Office of the HON. DR. OBOTE
             Prime Minister (Teso Affairs) ONGALO;


Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries:


10.    Minister of State for Agriculture, HON. FRED
Animal Industry and BWINO
Fisheries (Agriculture)                              


11.  Minister of State for Agriculture, HON. BRIGHT
             Animal Industry and

Fisheries (Animal Industry)

12. Minister of State for Agriculture, HON. ADOA
             Animal Industry and

Fisheries (Fisheries)


Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs:

  1. Deputy Attorney General                 –        KAFUUZI


Ministry of Defence and Veteran Affairs

  1. Minister of State for Defense                    –        SARAH

and Veteran Affairs (Defence)                                    NYIRABASHITSI




15.  Minister of State for Defence                    –        HON. OLERU HUDA;            and Veteran Affairs (Veteran Affairs)

Ministry of East African Affairs

16. Minister of State for East                  –

African Affairs


Ministry of Education and Sports:

17. Minister of State for Education        – HON. DR. MUYINGO
and Sports (Higher Education)


18. Minister of State for Education        – HON. DR. MORIKU
and Sports (Primary Education)             


19. Minister of State for Education        – HON. PETER OGWANG;

and Sports (Sports)


Ministry of Energy and Minerals Development:

  1. Minister of State for Energy and                   –        OKASAI

Minerals Development (Energy)                                SIDRONIUS OPOLOT;


  1. Minister of State for Energy and                   –        NYAMUTORO         Minerals Development (Minerals)                  PHIONA;


Ministry of Finance, Planning & Economic Development:

  1. Minister of State for Finance,     –        HENRY MUSAASIZI;         Planning and Economic Development (General Duties)


  1. Minister of State for Finance,     –        AMOS LUGOLOOBI;      Planning and Economic Development (Planning)


  1. Minister of State for Finance,     –        ANITE EVELYN;

Planning and Economic

Development (Privatization and Investment)


  1. Minister of State for Finance,     –        KYEYUNE

Planning and Economic                           HARUNA KASOLO;

Development (Micro-Finance)


Ministry of Foreign Affairs:

  1. Minister of State for Foreign      –        ORYEM OKELLO;

Affairs (International Affairs)


  1. Minister of State for Foreign      – HON. JOHN MULIMBA;

Affairs (Regional Affairs)


Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development:

  1. Minister of State for Gender,               –        PEACE MUTUZO;

Labour and Social Development

(Gender and Culture)


  1. Minister of State for Gender,                –        BALAM

Labour and Social Development                      BARUGAHARA;

(Youth and Children Affairs)


  1. Minister of State for Gender,                –        ANYAKUN

Labour and Social Development                        ESTHER DAVINIA;

(Employment and Industrial Relations)


31. Minister of State for Gender, –        HON. HELLEN
Labour and Social Development

(Disability Affairs)


32. Minister of State for Gender, –        HON. GIDUDU
Labour and Social Development

(Elderly Affairs)


Ministry of Health:

33. Minister of State for Health              –

(General Duties)


34.Minister of State for Health               – HON. MARGARET
(Primary Health Care) MUHAANGA;


Ministry of Information, Communications Technology and National Guidance:


  1. Minister of State for Information,                   –        JOYCE                 National Guidance (Information)                               SEBUGWAWO;



  1. Minister of State for Information,                   –        KABYANGA Communications Technology and                            GODFRY BARUKU;

National Guidance (National Guidance)


Ministry of internal Affairs:

  1. Minister of State for                     –        DAVID MUHOOZI;

internal Affairs


Ministry of Kampala capital City and Metropolitan Affairs:

  1. Minister of State for Kampala               –        KABUYE KYOFA; capital City and Metropolitan Affairs:



Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development:

  1. Minister of State for Lands, Housing –  NAMUGANZA  and Urban Development (Housing)      PERSIS;


  1. Minister of State for Lands, Housing – HON. OBIGA KANIA; and Urban Development (Urban Development)
  2. Minister of State for Lands,                  –        SAM MAYANJA; Housing and Urban Development (Lands)


Ministry of Local Government:

  1. Minister of State for Local Government       –        VICTORIA


Ministry of public Service

  1. Minister of State for public Service      –        GRACE MARY



Ministry of tourism Wildlife and Antiquities:

  1. Minister of State foe tourism and Antiquities –      MARTIN


Ministry of trade, industry and Cooperatives

45.Minister of State for Trade                 – HON. GUME FREDRICK;

Industry and Cooperatives (Cooperatives)


  1. Minister of State for trade, industry – HON. BAHATI DAVID; and Cooperatives (Industry)
  2. Minister of State for trade, industry – GEN. WILSON MBASU MBADI; and Cooperatives (Trade)

Ministry of Water and Environment:

  1. Minister of State for water and – HON BEATRICE ANYWAR;  Environment (environment)
  2. Minister of State for water and –        AISHA SEKKINDI;

       Environment (Water)


Ministry of works and Transport:

  1. Minister of State for works and      –        MUSA ECHWERU;

       Transport (Works)

  1. Minister of State for works and      –        FRED BYAMUKAMA;

Transport (Transport)













Their Schedules will be given to them later.


  1. ASIO OMASWA – Principal Private Secretary.
  2. IRENE BIRUNGYI – Deputy PPS transferred to the Ministry of Public service for deployment.

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