Gov’t releases UgX 78B Road Development Fund to KCCA ahead of NAM summit and G77 Conference

Gov’t releases UgX 78B Road Development Fund to KCCA ahead of NAM summit and G77 Conference

By Evans Najuna

KAMPALA – Uganda will next year in January host Non Aligned Movement (NAM) summit in Kampala Capital City. On the other hand, it will also host the largest intergovernmental organisation of developing Countries known as the ‘G77 Conference’ under the United Nations program.

During the press conference on Thursday at Hotel Africana, the Executive Director of Kampala Capital City Authority Ms. Dorothy Kisaka revealed that government has since released a total of Ushs 78 billion ment for Road Development fund.

According to the Executive Director, the government had earlier released Ushs 10 billion and now it has added another Ushs 68 billion making a total of Ushs 78 billion of the total budget of Road Development fund.

(Photo Courtesy) Earlier this year Gen. Mohoozi together with the KCCA’ ED Dorothy Kisaka at Engineering team inspecting some of dilapidated roads

This according to Kisaka has created an advantage of the working on different roads concurrurently. She highlighted and noted total of 10 roads are already being worked on including; Mukwano road 1km, press house road ½km, Ggaba road 8½km, Cope road 2½km, Salama road 8½km, Tank hill, Kakungulu among others. Adding that all these are under maintenance.

Kisaka warned that, ahead of these summit and the conference in the city, Kampala people have to be clean, keeping the green environment, poor structures have to be removed with thoroughly garbage collection and free from street children. She applauded the work by the work by UPDF engineering brigade together with KCCA in-house team who have already started the working on the problem of portholes.

Kisaka also asked the people of kampala especially those near the roads being worked, road users and others who affected by the current developments to be patient because this being done for well being of them and to maintain the smart city.

The Executive Director, used the same chance to inform city dwellers on the program of Parish Development Model (PDM). Saying that the program has been launched and beneficiaries should be ready to receive their monies and be able to invest and fight poverty. She however, called on government to reconsider additional funds because Kampala received 10b for financial ment for over 90 parishes with a total of about 97 Saccos each getting 100 million. Adding that this is not enough for over 67000 people out law income households.

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