The MTN Busoga Masaza Cup tournament climaxed with Busiki FC claiming the 2023 title against Butembe FC.

Busiki beat Butembe 1-0 in the second half of the final before a large crowd of Kyabazinga’s subjects who thronged Kakindu Stadium on 30th/12/2023. The final was graced by the Kyabazinga of Busoga William Gabula Nadiope IV.

He was welcomed by Busoga Kingdom’s Prime Minister Dr. Muvawala Joseph who was accompanied by his second deputy Owek. Alhaj Osman Ahmed Noor, Busiki chief Yololemu Nabongo, Butembe chief Dr. Fredrick Walugembe and Busoga Kingdom’s Sports Minister Amin Bbosa.

They all flanked the Kyabazinga who majestically walked around the pitch waving to thousands of his subjects.


The tournament was sponsored by MTN Uganda, Haojue Motorcycles Uganda Ltd, Kansai Plascon and Nile Breweries Ltd.

Both teams started vigorously during the first half and they missed chances to score at either side.

When the first ended, during resting time, the Kyabazinga handed over accolades to the four sponsors.

MTN Uganda got a Platinum award, Nile Breweries Ltd got Silver, Haojue Motorcycles Uganda got Bronze, and Baba TV got for Media partner.

During 2nd half, Ismail Ndifuna scored a brilliant goal into the top roof of the net past Butembe FC’s goalkeeper Kadama Peter and sent Busiki supporters who included the Namutumba district woman Member of Parliament Naigaga Mariam and Busiki County MP Paul Akamba into a vigorous jubilation.

Busiki held onto the lead to the end of the final game to win their first-ever title which came with a trophy, gold medals and a cash prize of 12,000,000/-. The Kyabazinga handed over the prizes to them.

Butembe came in second position and it got silver medals and 8,000,000/- while Kigulu who finished third settled for bronze and 6,000,000/-, and Bugabula FC in the fourth was given 4,000,000/-.

The top scorer of the tournament, Sharif Amuke of Bukono FC, with four goals was awarded with a brand new motorcycle from Haojue Motorcycles Uganda and it was handed over to him by Busoga Kingdom’s second deputy Prime Minister Owek. Alhaj Osman Ahmed Noor.

Present at the final game were hereditary chiefs from Busoga led by Issabalangira of Busoga Samuel Zirabamuzale Nkuutu Menhya of Bugweri chiefdom, Busoga Lukiiko Speaker George Mutyabule, Busoga Kingdom Ministers and officials from sponsoring companies.

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