Wars between Boda boda, Tukutuku operators worries Mbarara city authorities

Wars between Boda boda, Tukutuku operators worries Mbarara city authorities

Amos Tayebwa


When Mbarara was elevated to a City status two years ago, new kinds of businesses started coming in including Tukutuku Motorcycle business operation which was not common before in the City.

However its existence has caused caos between their operators and the Bodaboda riders who never wanted to share Parking stages with Tukutukus.

RCC Col. Mwesigye addressing the Bodaboda and Tukutuku operators

A few months ago, about 18 Tukutukus were brought to Mbaraara City by individuals to start operating in the same business as Bodabodas, but these were resisted and harassed by the Bodaboda riders arguing that Tukutukus should be separated from Bodaboda business, that they should not mix up with Bodabodas in the same packing stages.

They added that Tukutukus should be categorised as Taxis, so they should be put in the Taxi park or the City authority must create for them a gazetted area where they can better be accommodated.

Mubiru, one of the Bodaboda operators speaking

Mbarara City has registered more than 50000 bodaboda riders and over 700 stages in the whole City. Apparently, City authorities through the office of the Commercial Officer have registered at least 18 Tukutukus owned by Individuals to carry passengers.

As a result of this fight between the Bodaboda and Tukutuku Operators, the City Authorities and the office of the RCC have caused a meeting between the Bodaboda and Tukutuku operators to stop their conflict in this business.

However, during the meeting a group of Bodaboda operators told the City Authorities including the representative of the president that as Bodaboda Riders they are not ready to work together with Tukutuku Motorcycle operators in the same business.

One Mubiru, a bodaboda Rider from Kakoba in Mbarara City South challenged the City Authorities that some of them are conniving with the Tukutuku Motorcycle Owners to be fixed in Bodaboda parking stages where as Bodobdas are not ready to work with them.

“I must tell you that there are some Officials in Mbarara City Council who are conniving with the Tukutuku owners to fix their Tukutukus motorcycles into our stages. We own our Bodaboda stages in a legalized manner, as city authorities, why are you making us conflict with the Tukutuku operators? Why don’t you get them some space either in Independence Park or any other area where they can easily operate from instead of fixing them for us? We know there are some Individuals in Mbarara City Council who were compromised so that they can allow Tukutukus to start operating in our stages but we shall not allow that. Stop confusing us” said Mubiru.

According to Didas Muhanguzi, the Mbarara City South Division Town Clerk said that in their role as leaders of the City they want to have an organised City with an organised transport Sector.

He said that as Mbarara growS fast, they have had the issue of Tukutukus motorcycles which the City Authority must embrace to also do their business, so the City will have to integrate Tukutuku operators also into the transport system of the City.

He pledged that the authorities will look into the issue of Bodabodas and Tukutuku and be well gazetted in separated areas so that they operate smoothly without conflicts and collision.

“If the Bodaboda operators and their leadership protest against our policies or fail to agree with us on some of the issues between them and Tukutuku operators we shall enforce law” said Muhanguzi.

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