Arua Environment Officer remanded to prison over DRDIP Cash

Arua Environment Officer remanded to prison over DRDIP Cash

By Andrew Cohen Amvesi  

ARUA.  The Arua Chief Magistrate’s Court has remanded Joachim Andiandu, the Arua district Senior Environment Officer to Arua government prison over allegation of stealing shs20m meant for implementing Development Response to Displacement Impact Project (DRDIP) in Ajia sub-county, Arua district.

Andiandu was on Friday remanded together with Owen Onzima, the area community facilitator until Wednesday January 24, 2024.

However, while appearing before His Worship Paul Matyama, the Arua Chief Magistrate, the two accused persons pleaded not guilty to the charge of theft read to them.

The accused persons were thereafter remanded to prison pending possible amendment of the charge as requested by Simon Angumale, the Senior Resident State Attorney Arua.

Angumale, who was represented by Thomas Ginyera, the Senior State Prosecutor, asked court to adjourn the matter to allow them to establish whether this is a matter of theft or a matter that should be tried by the Anti-corruption court after further investigations that may lead to an amendment.

But Michael Ezadri Onyafia of Onyafia and Co. Advocate, the Lawyer representing Andiandu objected to the State’s request and prayed that his clients be released on court bail.

Onyafia equally prayed to the court to consider adjournment after all the preliminary stages that quickly follow plea taking.

“As far as the prayer for adjournment is concerned, this is not a tribal matter at the High Court which stops the Senior State Prosecutor from appearing. It is a matter within his mandate to handle. Fortunately, the statements from the Senior State Attorney, Simon Angumale, didn’t preclude him from representing the mighty State in carrying out the other State duties and obligations. We therefore, pray that the adjournment be made after all the preliminary stages that quickly follow plea taking, I, so pray,” Onyafia submitted.

After listening to the two submissions, His Worship Matyama ruled that the accused persons be remanded until Wednesday next week to allow the State to amend the charge as requested.

The Chief Magistrate also ruled that in the event the State fails to amend the charge, court will then proceed to hear the bail application.

“I have considered the submissions of the State on behalf of the Senior Resident State Attorney. I acknowledge that the offence that the accused persons are charged with is bailable before this court. However, given the State’s submission that we are considering whether or not to amend the charge sheet and prefer charges that would place this matter within the armpit of Anti-corruption court, such amendment would raise questions of jurisdiction in handling such a case before me,” Matyama stated.

“Given the time requested for the adjournment, I believe that a short adjournment allowing the State to consider its decision would not be fatal based on the reasoning above. I have therefore decided to grant the short adjournment to January 24, 2024 which is next week on Wednesday for mention to enable the State to consider its options. In the event that we come back and no amendment has been preferred by the State, then we shall go ahead and hear the bail application, So, you are both further remanded till then,” Matyama ruled.

Andiandu and Onzima were arrested on Monday after the members of Ombamba village savings group in Ombamba village, Ajia sub county accused them of embezzling shs20m which was part of the shs41m the group leadership had withdrawn from the bank to implement forest restoration project under DRDIP in the village.

It is alleged that the two connived to pick the money from the group members in pretext of taking it to be shared among Arua district leaders.

But all the district leaders we talked to denied the allegation, saying they didn’t even taste any coin out of the money the duo solicited from the group members.

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