5.8B allocated for Buremba-BSU Road, contractor warned over delay and sub-standard work

5.8B allocated for Buremba-BSU Road, contractor warned over delay and sub-standard work

Amos Tayebwa
The Government of Uganda under USMIDI program has again allocated about Shs 5.8b to the completion of a 1km Buremba- Bishop Stuart University road and part of this project there will also have the construction of two links at Makhanising- Victor Bwana road measuring 0.16km.
The contract for this project was signed recently between Mbarara City Council and the contractors (Stars Group and King Field Services) that is supposed to be done in only three months. This contract will work on the road from Kasingyengye town where the CICO construction company stopped to the BSU main gate.
However, the  contractor and the Engineers have been warned against the delay of the construct and sub-standard work on this road. This was referred to from the ongoing contract  of 2.3km at Victor Bwana, Stanley road and Galt road where the construction has taken about 3 years yet it was meant for only one year by Multiplex Engineering Company.
Hilary Mugisha, the City Engineer revealed that this project or the contract is being funded partly by support from World Bank under the USMIDI Program and another part from Uganda Government. He informed the contractor and other authorities that attended that meeting that it should be noted that the USMIDI Program is closing 30th this month, he therefore asked the contractor that this contract requires them to over accelerate.  The contractor was asked to use 30% of the local workers from Mbarara and that safeguard is quite important in this project.
Assey Abireebe, the Mbarara City Town Clerk revealed that the City has received all the money for this project, so they want the actual work to start as early as possible so  that they can match with the timeline they have.  Abireebe also mentioned that the contract has a provision for 30% advance but that one will only be given upon submission of a valid bank guarantee.
“Please, that advance is to help you mobilise and do work. Don’t get that advance and go to buy a grader or an asphalt machine, that advance is strictly and it has to be accounted for. We have had a situation in the past where you would give someone an advance and this person decides  to buy other things and no work is put on ground”  said Abirteebe
“I also want to tell you that in Mbarara City we don’t only treasure  but we are very strict on quality. The kind of road you must do, you must do it on quality. These rates are not reasonably small to do a kilometer at Shs 5.8B, so  we expect the work to be of class.  We shall not compromise on any standard as far as  the works are concerned. And about time, the contract is for three months, now that we have signed, you only have June, July and August. So by the end of September we should be on the road for commissioning when the road is complete. As you start this work don’t expect any extension time” he added
Abireebe further cautioned  the contractor that he should be more careful to ensure that his workers  do not impregnate the girls from Mbarara community especially the girls at the University where road works are nearly going to be undertaken. “I want to warn you that if you impregnate one, be ready to marry her, these are social issues. We don’t want you to leave unclaimed children here. Make sure that your workers have protective gears, and make sure that you have health services in your camp and make sure that the workers you are going to engage are well protected” said Abireebe
The contractor showed the commitment that he will start the actual work by the start of this week and he assured the public for the quality work that the best will not be the last contract in Mbarara. He also gave assurance that they will do the work in time.
Robert Mugabe Kakyebezi asked the contractor to follow and implement whatever that was signed, especially the scope of work within that contract.. That there should be commitment of the time to complete this work by the contractor.   “We for us, we want this work to be handed over in three months as it has been put in the contract” said Kakyebezi.

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