Kashari Residents warned against self-medication

Kashari Residents warned against self-medication

Amos Tayebwa


The residents from Kashari North in Mbarara District have been cautioned over self-medication as one of the most dangerous practice as far health guidelines are concerned.

This call was made during the medical camp that was held at Karwensanga HCII in Rubindi Town Council  Kashari North where thousands of people especially the patients  turned up to have free health services. The two days medical camp  was organized by one Fred Mwesigye and a  team of Ankore Health Students from  Mulago medical school  in collaboration with Mbarara District.

Dr. Elastus Tugume, the Mbarara District Deputy DHO revealed that in areas like Karwensanga in Kashari North and in the country entirely there is the issue of self-medication by the people something resulting into ant-bacterial resistance  because these  unregulated medication and over-the-counter drugs.

MP Rwebyambu talking to Fred Mwesigye and the leaders of Ankore Health Students from Mulago

Dr. Tugume urged the public and all the people to always first get a proper diagnosis before buying over-the-counter medicine.

MP Rwebyambu talking to Fred Mwesigye and the leaders of Ankore Health Students from Mulago

“As health department in the District we have registered a lot of ant-bacterial resistance because of these over-the-counter drugs. We advise people to always first look for a doctor or a physician or someone to access them and he prescribes the right medicine that match with the disease detected in you. Because these diseases they almost present the same, if you have may be malaria, if you have typhoid, you will mostly get the same signs and symptoms, so if you just go and buy without knowing that exact cause it will  contribute to the resistance when that drug is given to you for right treatment” said Dr. Tugume

Dr. Tugume has encouraged for more medical camps to support the District in terms of health Service delivery.

“We call all the good well-wishers to come and collaborate with the District and to have as many as possible. Its only when people get these service near then we shall stop premature death” said Dr. Tugume

Fred Mwesigye, the one spearheading the happening of medical camps in Mbarara especially in Kashari North, he started  this initiative to hold medical camps within Kashari North after the realization that Mbarara District is still having gaps in health sector that need to be addressed either by the leaders or individuals and the government.

Despite having political sabotage from some leaders in the District who are mixing politics with service delivery, Mwesigye  asked for corporation among the leaders and support the Government in promoting health services in their respective areas.

According to the report from the Medical Camp and the research that was made by the Office of DHO, UTI Infection is the most disease that has been registered which the most people are suffering from.

Mwesigye said that the UTI infection is still a very big problem in the communities of Kashari North. He therefore appealed to Government of Uganda to set a special program for Mbarara District especially in Kashari North to combat the outbreak of UTI in these areas. He also said that the purpose of bringing these medical camps is to have people access free health services which include   testing / diagnosis of various diseases and free drugs like Orthopedic medicine among others.

MP Margret Ayebare Rwebyambu, the Woman Member of Parliament Mbarara District asked the public to differentiate the politics and service delivery, when it comes to service delivery especially health that has no boundaries, every one should stand concerned.

“We need to come down and see where the gaps are in service delivery. Lets always appreciate people / well-wishers like Mwesigye who come in to help the people and the government, because they are filling some of the gaps where government has not reached” said MP Rwebyambu

“I also want to give a call and warn people outside there to stop what we call self-medication especially when we still have chances of medical camps like this one where people can bring services into community. Please always seek for medical attention because its all about life. One mistake of overdose or underdose can cost you your life. Please always seek for medical advice so that you get things that you are supposed to be getting other than simply getting anything that you come across” said Rwebyambu

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