Choose your leaders carefully, don’t give votes on bribes- Lawyer Atumanya tips public

Choose your leaders carefully, don’t give votes on bribes- Lawyer Atumanya tips public

Amos Tayebwa
As Campaigns for the next elections gear up, some candidates have started splashing money and buying electorates for vote favor. However, the Advocate of the High Court of Uganda and High Court of Kenya, Eliakim Atumanya Kapson have asked the electorates in Ntungamo and Uganda at large to be vigilant and avoid voting candidates on bribes based favors.
Atumanya who is a professional Lawyer from and born Kajara County, Ntungamo District has revealed that corruption has been spread to the communities to the extent that most people who some of them are government workers steal money and use it for electoral campaigns but with no intention to provide service delivery to the people when they take those postions.
He said that corruption is almost driving this country to hell because mechanisms to fight it are still low and there is a lack of implementation to those laws in place to fight against corruption. He asked the Anti corruption agencies to intensively  implement the laws and policies that are put in place to fight corruption.
He further noted that corruption has sabotaged service delivery and development in the country,  therefore the public is asked to raise their voices and say no to corruption officials.
Atumanya also encouraged the Church Leaders and community Leaders that they should all stand out and say no to corruption and create public awareness to know that corruption is dangerous.
“Let us not be the people to facilitate corruption, you find someone is giving money to police, judiciary even to those other institutions because it is not only in parliament or wherever we are hearing Permanent Secretaries in corruption scandals and corruption is everywhere, if its corruption its corruption, whether its at village level whether its at national level we should all stand together and fight it. The penalties are there set, so every culprit of corruption should be prosecuted and get their penalties” said Atumanya
Lawyer Atumanya  appealed to the voters to be vigilant in the forthcoming elections 22026, that they should look out for people who have no corruption tendencies and be keen to study why someone is injecting a lot of money in the campaigns to get into a political position.
“Lets not sell our voice, lets not sell our tongues because of the little money and we lose our right to make a right choice to vote for someone who is going to represent us in parliament and other positions like in local government and other positions at the national level” he added
Atumanya calls for a serious watch  and investigations into some of the Government officials who are bidding for political positions as they splash in filthy money to the voters looking for the vote favor. That these people have already come into early campaigns and they have already injected a lot of money into the people.
He said that those who have been in Government institutions should be thoroughly investigated. He further said that some of these people are already found to have had cases in court over corruption related issues  and now they are coming into politics and they are bringing in money to confuse people.
“Government especially, the Anti corruption agencies should intervene and investigate those government officials who come into politics and during the campaigns they start injecting  a lot of money into campaigns. Why are you putting in a lot of money? And where did you get that money from yet you are a government worker? Let it be free and fair, you don’t need to put in a lot of money, just tell the people your intentions. You know when such people bring sacks of money to our voters, they confuse their minds. So they use their techniques they have been using in their official positions to swindle money and now they are bringing it to people who are innocent to blindfold them to vote for them and and they get better into higher positions to do the same and you find now there is no service delivery, so I support the President’s idea that some of these people should be investigated” said Atumanya.

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