LP Shady threatens to swallow Monopoly on Boxing Day

LP Shady threatens to swallow Monopoly on Boxing Day

By Andrew Cohen Amvesi

ARUA. All is set for the long-awaited West Nile musical battle at Hotel Le Confidentiel in Arua on boxing day.

The battle of Titans between Emmanuel Agadribo aka Monopoly, the Bad Character and Isha Irishad alias LP Shady King Kong will attract hundreds of revelers who will in turn determine the real King of the mic in the region.

LP Shady threatens to swallow Monopoly (2L) as Minister Anite looks on during the press conference on Thursday. Photo by Andrew Cohen Amvesi

The two artistes were chosen by fans to prove their worth on the stage after years of supremacy contestation in the region.

The fans now want to use December 26, 2023 as the day to crown the winner and close the chapter between the two popular artists in West Nile.

But before the D-day, LP Shady assured the public during a press conference on Thursday that he is going to musically swallow Monopoly on stage.

MTN Uganda bosses while assuring the public of their support on Boxing Day. Photo by Andrew Cohen Amvesi

“I’m going to swallow Monopoly on that day. You know when you are a legend, you don’t shake, it is only the small boys who shake. Monopoly is this type of an artiste who releases a song after every two weeks because if he doesn’t, he disappears. For me, I stay for two years then I drop a hit, that is it. Now I have dropped a song which is called ‘Pulling my Back,’ it is just a small piece but in two weeks, Monopoly has already dropped two songs. So, you see the pressure now that I’m causing him,” LP Shaddy said.

In response, Monopoly said he is well prepared for the show, adding that there is no way LP Shady will swallow him on that day.

“I’m well prepared for the battle, everything is set. I have a lot of songs that people know, I’m actually going to do a live band, so people should come in big numbers to witness me defeating LP Shady live. Let people come and enjoy nice music from me though I don’t expect nice music from LP Shady’s side,” Monopoly retaliated.

The battle between the two top artistes in the region is sponsored by Evelyn Anite, the State Minister of Investment and Privatization in partnership with MTN Uganda.

According to Anite, the battle is aimed at identifying and developing talent among the youth in West Nile and also determining who is more talented between the two artists.

“This is for the people of West Nile, it is a Christmas gift we are giving them which will happen on the 26th of December, 2023. The reason why we are doing this is not that we want them to fight but we want to see talent out of them and know who is the most talented,” Anite said.

She noted that the two Artistes are the face of West Nile because their songs are very loud, entertaining, very informative and very educative.

“And because of that, Hotel Le Condentiel together with MTN Uganda decided that we must have a competition between the two and we have code-named it The Battle of Titans. We are now here with the two Kings of West Nile and we would need to know the crown King on the day of the battle. So, we are counting on you to call upon all West Nilers to come and watch and listen and understand the meaning of music as you all know, music is food to the soul, if you are stressed and you listen to the songs these two young men play, you get relaxed,” Anite said.

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